Chapter 8

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"I think it's time for a party!" Mr Kim sang as he threw confetti around his bedroom. I sleepily rubbed my eyes. So extra...

"Why are we having a party?" I asked in confusion.

"It's going to be a getting well party," he responded while proudly pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket and handing it to me.

Dear friend(s),

You have been invited to attend Kim Taehyung's celebration of wellness and success. Please be over by 6pm in fancy attire.

Yours sincerely, Tae

"Celebration of wellness and success?" I asked while looking up at Mr Kim from the party invitation.

"Yes, your progress is a great success." He grinned. I smiled to myself while staring at the ground. He really cares about me...

"So how am I going to get a dress?" I asked while fixing my gaze back onto Mr Kim.

"Why would you need a dress?" He asked while tilting his head to the side.

"The invitation said to wear fancy attire," I mumbled while pointing to the piece of paper in my hands.

Mr Kim stared at me blankly for a few seconds before bursted into laughter. "You thought you were coming?"


"Listen here, sweetie." Mr Kim stared down at me in disgust. "Just because you're getting better, doesn't mean you can go around doing whatever you want without treatment. What did my little encounter with Jungkook teach you?"  He gets mad so easily.

"I need to be isolated..." I mumbled in shame.

"What was that?" He asked while kneeling down to be at eye level with me.

"It taught me that I need to be isolated to be completely cured."

"Good girl," Mr Kim whispered with a small smile while messing up my hair. "You'll be staying in my room for the night."

I slowly nodded.

"If someone knocks or is at the door, no matter what, do not open it." It kind of saddened me that he couldn't trust me, but I had no choice but to agree.


I could hear the distant sound of music and laughter from downstairs. Mr Kim gave me nothing to do for the whole night so I sat at the base of his bedroom door, listening to the party downstairs.

Occasionally, I'd hear footsteps of maids and butlers walking up and down the corridor but was surprised when I heard banging on the bedroom door.

I immediately stood up in panic.

"Mr Kim?" I asked while stepping back. The banging continued. I don't think it's him...

"Open the door, y/n!" The person yelled. As I reached for the door handle, Mr Kim's lessons ran through my head. Despite the consequences I'd most likely face, curiosity took over and I opened the door.

"Namjoon?" I mumbled while staring up at him. He was wearing a suit and tie.

"It's okay, I'll take you back, I know what he-" His arms wrapped around me as he softly picked me up from the ground.

"No!" I yelled while thrashing around to get out of his tight grip. "I don't want to go..." Finally, I wiggled out of his arms.

"What did he do to you?" He mumbled while staring at me with soft eyes. He's pretending to care... I could see through Namjoon's facade! He was a liar and didn't want me to be with Mr Kim...

"He's helping me get better," I replied while slowly stepping back, further into Mr Kim's room.

"He's not helping you, trust me." Namjoon chuckled. "He's gas lighting you." Gas lighting me?

My hand roamed around Mr Kim's bedside table for something to grab onto.

"Y/n, please, I promise you I'm not like my past self," he reached out his hand to grab mine. "I've matured over this year an-"

"Stay away from me!" I screamed while throwing whatever I could find at him. The things I threw mainly consisted of small items so Namjoon was unharmed and still walking towards me.

I made my way over to Mr Kim's desk and grabbed a vase. It was incredibly heavy. I weakly heaved it at him as far as I could but it only ended up shattering into pieces at Namjoon's feet.

"This isn't you, y/n," he grunted while roughly grabbing both of my hands.

"How would you know!" I yelled. "You left me here with him! For how long?!" Tears fell down my cheeks as I stared up at him. "You all did..."

"Y/n, you don't understand, I ju-"

"Shut up!" I screamed while kicking him in the groin. He fell to his knees in pain, letting go of my hands in the process. "How could I trust you after you abandoned me?!" I stared at his squirming body in displeasure, but somehow it felt... Good...

"Mr Kim didn't leave me!" I kicked his head as hard as I could and instantly felt adrenaline pump through my veins.

"I can only trust him." I kicked him again.

"That's why I'm the only one for-" I finally noticed him.

"Mr Kim," I mumbled while staring at the silhouette of a man in the doorway. I glanced down at Namjoon's body in disbelief. Flashbacks of 86's death ran through my head as I saw him lying there, probably unconscious.

"Get out of here, Namjoon." Mr Kim said in his deep, scary voice. The man on the ground slowly rose to his feet, took one glance at me and stumbled out of the room.

"You broke my rules, y/n," he slowly strode towards me as he spoke. "Do you know what that means?"

I shook my head as he stared down at me in disgust.

"I get to break you."

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