Chapter 9

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"What's wrong, y/n?" Mr Kim asked while fastening the cloth behind me. "Are you afraid?"

I didn't want to show any fear towards him as I knew it was was a sign of weakness. I used to be weak but I'm improving. I need to prove that I will be cured.

"I'm not afraid." I whispered. Mr Kim let out a soft chuckle in response. I couldn't see where he was because of the blind fold that was placed over my eyes but I could tell he was standing front of me from the direction of his voice.

"I want you to wait in this room for five hours," Mr Kim paused for a few seconds before speaking, "...And count every second of it."

I must prove my compliance.

"I will," I answered.

"When you're done, you can leave the room." I quickly nodded, eager to start. "But," he continued, "if you leave 10 minutes too early or late, you'll be in trouble."


"You can begin now," Mr Kim said from what seemed to be across the room.


And so it begins.


The cloth that covered my eyes was getting itchier by the second. Weird scratching sounds resonated from inside of the folded material. I was only one hour, thirty-three minutes and seven seconds in and the irritation of my skin was driving me crazy. My throat was dry from calling out each passing second and my voice would crack ever so often.

Thats it, I thought while ripping the blindfold off of my face, I can't handle any longer. The room was so bright...

After a few seconds of adjusting to the light, I finally itched my nose.

"Ugh, what is that!?" I shrieked while frantically brushing my face off.

I looked down at my finger and found a small white worm trying to burrow under my fingernail. Quickly, I flicked it away and my attention drifted down to the blind fold. Maggot-like creatures were crawling out of the fabric onto the concrete floor.

"Oh my god," I mumbled while running into a corner, away from the worms.

Was I going to sit there for five hours and wait for them to eat my face off or something?!

Maybe that punishment would be better than the one I'll be receiving for breaking the rules again...

My gaze landed on the door. It sat on the wall, taunting me, begging me to open it.

"What am I doing?" I whispered to myself. Memories of my past persistence ran through my head, encouraging me to snap out of my weird Mr Kim loving fantasy.

"I don't love you!" The sound of my statement echoed through my head as I closed my eyes. "No amount of messing with my head will change that." I felt tears fall down my cheeks as realisation washed over me. "And if hating you makes me sick, then I guess I'm terminally ill."

"Really?" I remembered him asking with a smirk. "Do you know what I'm going to do now?"


"I'm going to make you worship every part of my being."

He really did it.

I slowly rose to my feet.

"He never cared for me," I whispered while glancing down at the maggot filled blind fold as I walked past it.

"He only cares for power," I reached down to the door handle and slowly twisted it.

"And I won't give him that."

"I see you've stopped counting, miss." A butler stated as I stepped outside of the room.

"Take me to the garden." I responded, coldly. He glanced down at me and back at the hallway we were standing in.

"Follow me closely."


The butler punched in the code to the garden, causing the door to swing open.

"Good luck," he whispered before walking away. I sprinted to the back fence and began climbing. The rose thorns and marked wire seemed more painful than last time. I took a quick glance at the mansion before jumping down.

"I can do this," I whispered, "I can go back to all of my friends." I tumbled along the forest floor after landing in a bed of leaves.

"He never loved me anyway."

I stumbled further into the forest, certain I was leaving a trail of blood behind me. I didn't care. I just wanted to go home.

After two hours of walking I found myself on a familiar street.

I'm finally going home.

With the last of my energy, I stumbled to my house and frantically knocked on the front door. As Jin opened it, I collapsed onto the ground in front of him, probably from dehydration and exhaustion.

"Y/n?" He asked while stepping back.

I weakly rose to my knees and tried my best to let out a smile.

"I'm finally home," I whispered. Jin continued stepping back into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

"What are you doing?" I asked while staring up at him. He looked scared.

"You can't be here, y/n!" Jin responded. "You're sick!"

I noticed warm tears falling down my cheeks but, for some reason, wasn't sad. Slowly, I stumbled to my feet with the help of a wall.

"What's wrong Jin?" I asked before letting out a pitiful laugh. "Are you afraid?"

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