Chapter 6

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I stared up at him in shock and confusion, I had just come out of a relaxing shower and wasn't ready for normal brain functionalities, let alone this.

"M-mr Kim..." I stuttered while staring up at him.

He bit his lip while staring down at my cowering body. "You're so tempting."

My face grew red in embarrassment.

Suddenly, his strong arms wrapped around my waist as he roughly lifted me off the ground and threw me onto his large bed.

I heard a long creek and had guessed Mr Kim's bedroom door was being opened, however, Mr Kim didn't seem to be fazed. The same butler from earlier walked into the room, expressionless and began dusting a bookshelf.

Even this seemed to take Mr Kim by surprise as he turned to his butler with an angry expression.

"Please, don't let me interrupt you." The butler said in a monotone voice.

"Did I not tell you to knock?" Mr Kim asked, rage evident in his eyes.

"I did knock, sir."

"Knock harder," Mr Kim groaned.

"I will next time, sir," The butler responded with a small smile as he continued to dust the bookshelf.

"Is this some joke to you?" Mr Kim stood up properly and approached the butler.

"No, sir," The butler answered, still with a faint smile. "I was just unaware this was part of the treatment." His eyes jumped back and forth between Mr Kim and I as he spoke.

"You know what?" Mr Kim asked while staring down at the butler with a menacing grin. "I can do whatever I want..."

"I own you." Mr Kim roughly poked the butlers chest while speaking.

"And her," he stated while pointing at me. "And everyone in this goddamn house!" Mr Kim yelled while pointing to his bedroom door. "If I say it's part of the treatment, it's part of the treatment!"

"...Because what I say, goes."

"Got that?" Mr Kim asked while staring directly into his butlers eyes.

I sat on his bed in silence. He's really scary when he's mad.

"Yes, sir,"

"Now go to bed, 83." Mr Kim ordered.

The butler clenched his jaw before turning away and leaving.

"Now..." Mr Kim said while turning his attention back on me. "Where were we?"

"N-no," I whispered while watching him kneel onto the bed in front of me.

"No?" He asked, slightly annoyed.

"I'm... Tired." I mumbled. He stared at my face for a few seconds before speaking.

"Fine," he groaned. "But you better not leave me tonight."

"Huh?" Mr Kim pulled me down onto the bed in a warm embrace.

"If you try and sneak out you'll be in big trouble."

Well, that just ruined an almost cute moment.

Slowly, I fell asleep in Mr Kim's arms.


I shot up in bed in a cold sweat. I sighed in realisation as I took in my surroundings.

"Bad dream?" Mr Kim asked, who was reading a book at has desk. I shook my head in response. I think had a dream about Mr Kim, except it wasn't a nightmare and I was pretty sure I was calling him Tae. Weird.

"I'm going out soon," Mr Kim stated while placing a fancy bookmark into his book and closing it.

"Fun," I responded while flopping out of bed.

"I'll make sure my servants look after you well." He quickly picked up a briefcase and walked over to me.

"If you leave while I'm out today, I won't be happy." Mr Kim said before kissing my forehead and leaving. I felt my face heat up as I sat on his bed.

"He could've just said 'have a good day' and this could be a normal relationship." I groaned. "But I guess he's just too controllin-"

"Talking to yourself, Miss y/n?" 83 asked while walking through Mr Kim's bedroom door with a breakfast tray. I shook my head while staring at him.

"Are you having a good morning?" I asked with a small smile as he set down the tray on a bedside table.

"If being lectured by Mr Kim for a few hours counts as a good morning, I guess so." He responded, expressionless.

"About what?" I asked in curiosity.

"About the fact that if 'I dare lay a finger on you I'll be gone'," the butler rolled his eyes as he spoke. "But," he added while leaning down towards me and placing both of his hands on the bed on sides of my body.

"I was thinking about doing it anyway just to spite him."

"You'll be fired," I squeaked in defence.

"Oh, no." The butler leaned closer towards me so his mouth was right next to my ear. "Mr Kim will do way worse." He whispered.

I felt the hairs in my arms stand up as soon as I heard what he said.

"T-that just gives you more of a reason to listen to Mr Kim."

"Who knows," he said with a small smirk while standing up properly. "Maybe it'd be worth it." And with that, he left.

"That was a close one," I mumbled as the door closed. At least I get a day to myself.

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