Payne in the Butt (Lilo Paylinson)

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Lilo Paylinson is up first! This is dedicated to PinappleAttack for the awesome cover! Seriously thank you so much!

I looked at him as he sang. His voice was so beautiful. So were his eyes. Most people thought brown eyes were boring but on Liam they looked good. Heck anything on Liam looked good. Liam looked good, always! And i was just the poor soul who was in love with him. Yeah that's right I, Louis Tomlinson am in love with Liam Payne, but so are a million other directioners. So I'm not special. And Liam's not gay. He only recently broke up with his girlfriend Danielle.

"Thank you, London! You've been truly amazing tonight" Liam screamed and the lights dimmed. My ears may never stop ringing from the amount of screaming that went on afterwards. But, I loved it. I love how dedicated our fans are. I love how they stick with us through anything. I wonder if they would stick with us if Liam and I ever dated. Not that we were going to, he was straight as a ruler. But if we did. I think the true directioners would. Some would probably leave. Management probably wouldn't, just because they only cared about money.

"Lou, we can go off stage now." Harry said, and I realized all the other lads had left the stage. I quickly leave the stage to find Liam, Zayn, and Niall all piled on top of each other on the couch. I quicly run over jumping on top, landing on Liam.

"Oh god Lou, You way a ton." Zayn says, as he is on bottom.

"I do not!" I pout, getting up.

"Awww, Don't tease Lou" Liam says, getting up and wrapping his arms around me. I am enveloped in the smell of Liam and let me just say I will not be moving anytime soon!

"Yeah! I got Liam on my side!" I say, sticking my tongue out and burying my head into Liam's shoulder.

"C'mon boys! We need some sleep." Liam says, dropping his arms. I frown at the loss of contact but quickly recover.

Liam, Zayn, and Niall walk ahead while Harry stays back waiting for me.

"So you gonna tell him?" Harry asks. Harry is the only one who knows about my feelings for Liam. Like I'm the only one who knows about his feelings for Zayn. Its one of the reasons why we are so close. Larry Stylinson is completely a bromance. Unlike Lilo and Zarry. Those were more, well at least for me and Harry. And probably Zayn, I think Zayn liked Harry but like I wouldn't admit my feelings for Liam to Liam. Harry wouldn't admit his feelings to Zayn. We were just a messed up bunch of lads weren't we? Well except for Niall. Niall was definitely straight he even had a girlfriend, Alison Suni.

"Lou, Are. You. Gonna. Tell. Him." Harry said. I started walking ahead, but Harry quiclky caught up.

"I don't know, Harry. What if it makes things awkward? What if he hates me? What if-" I'm cut off by Harry.

"It won't, Boo. I told you he liked you." He argues and i just sigh.

"But Haz" I whine.

"But Lou." He mocks as we make our way outside. "At least talk to him. I mean you guys are going to be sharing a hotel room..."

"What?" Did Haz just say what I think he just said.

"Well-" He starts

"Took you boys long enough. Get in" Our driver says, and we quickly get in.

"So let's discuss the room situation. There are 3 rooms. One room with 2 beds and 2 rooms with 1 bed." Liam says.

"Well I'm sleeping alone I call it" Niall says

"Um yeah and you are rooming with Lou." Harry says to Liam.

"What?" Liam says sounding surprised.

"Well Zayn and I kinda decided....." Harry says looking down.

"Oh, well I'm ok with that, if you are Lou?" Liam says, turning to me smiling.

"Um... Yeah..." I stutter out.

"We are here" Our driver says pulling up to a really nice hotel.

We check in and go upto our rooms.

"Ok here is our room. So boys her are your keys." Liam says handing them their keys.

"Night Lilo. Have fun." Harry says winking at me. I just blush and look at the ground. But Liam just laughs.

"Night boys" And he opens the door.

"C'mon in Lou." Liam says, ushering me in.

"Wow, This is nice." I say and it is a pretty nice hotel but we are kinda used to it by now. I'm just trying not to think about the fact that I'm going to be sharing a hotel room with Liam.

"Yeah, You hungry?" Liam asks moving in and sitting down on the bed. That's when I realize that damn Harry put me and Lian in the room with 1 bed.

"Yeah he did., I wonder why." Liam says as I realize I said that out loud..

"Um well he's Harry. God knows what goes on in his brain." I say laughing.

"Yeah but if anyone knew it would be you. With all that Larry stuff." He says and i think I detect a hint of jealousy in his voice. But jealousy? I must be hearing things.

"Haha, I guess but that's just like a bromance something for the fans it means nothing" I say

"Really?" Liam says and I think I see hope in his eyes. Hope? Jealousy? What is going on?

"Really, Liam. I, um, I like someone else." I say, whispering. What am I doing am I seriously almost telling Liam.

"Who?" He whispers, back.

"Um, I'd rather not say, he probably doesn't like me back." I say, cringing when i realize I said he.

"He? Are you gay Louis?" He looks up at me his eyes shining with hope again.


"So who is he? Is he in the band? Cause if it's Niall I think its a lost cause no offense." He says.

"He's in the band. And it's not Niall or Zayn or Harry." Uh oh Louis you just said too much.

" So are you in love with yourself?" Liam says, smirking and coming towards me

"Yep. You caught me. Cause I'm so hot." I say as Liam pulls me to him.

"Well I can't argue with you there." Liam says as his lips meet mine.

Sparks erupt and butterflies go through my stomach and Liam pulls me closer. I tangle my fingers in his hair as one of his hands go to my neck while the other stays at my hip. His tongue gently grazes my bottom lip asking for entrance which I happily grant him. As soon as our tongues meet more sparks erupt. Our tongues fight for dominance but I quickly lose. He pulls away and starts sucking on my neck as soon as he hits my soft spot I moan. I feel him smirk against my skin and then he starts lightly sucking which makes me moan louder. His lips move up to mine and-


"You know we can hear you and as we are very happy for you, we really don't want to hear the moans." Harry says through the wall. Whoops!

"Mode successfully ruined, Haz!" Liam yell's back, laughing.

"So I guess this is a good time to mention. I love you, Li!" I say kissing his cheek.

"Oh I don't" He says, smirking. "Just kidding I love you so much, Boo."

"Feeling mutual. You Payne in the ass."

Ok so that is the end of the first one shot. I like it, but idk. Do you guys like it?

So, again if you want a part in a boyxboy one shot or you have a specific one you want to see just drop a comment or message me.

Comment, Vote, Fan! :)

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