Threatened with Muppets (Ziall Horalik)

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PinappleAttack is the girl person in here. Thank you for doing that love! Ok so here is Ziall, hope you guys like it.

Zayn's POV

I don't know why i'm sitting here kissing this girl. Avery, I think her name is. Don't get me wrong she's a lovely girl. She's really talkative and makes me laugh, but I don't like her as anything more than a friend. I probably won't ever like ANY girl as more than a friend. That's right I, Zayn Malik, am gay. And I'm in love with one of my band mates. Who you ask? Well, Niall. He's just so amazing and gorgeous and has such a great voice. 

"Zayn, babe. Is something wrong?" Avery ask's pulling away.

"No, love. Why?"

"Well you just seem far away." She says sounding genuinely concerned.

"Oh. I'm ok, love." I say, biting my lip. She laughs.

"No you are not. I can tell. Zayn, Tell me. Or i'll send the muppets to come annoy you." She says and we  start laughing so hard tears fill my eyes.

"Really babe? Muppets?" I say, still chuckling.

"They are real and you know it." This is what I like about Avery. She is a complete weirdo but still manages to be cool.

"Yeah ok." And I am finally done laughing.

"So.... What's wrong, Zayn?" She pokes again.

"Promise you won't hate me." I say, gulping. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Of course I won't. Why would I hate you?" She says, looking at me confused.

"I am in love with Niall." I say and her jaw drops. But that's the only reaction I get. 


"Yeah. And i don't know what to do." I say looking down, as my eyes tear up at my hopeless situation.

"Well maybe I can help?" She says and I look up at her.

"Really?" And she smiles.

"Of course, Zayn. But I have one question. Why were you kissing me?" she says laughing. Man this girl is cool I just told her i was gay and in love with my best friend after kissing her and she just laughs it off. I could become good friends with this girl.

"Um.... I don't know."I say. Which just makes her laugh harder. 

"Ok. Now give me your phone." I hand her my phone, not exactly sure what she's planning on doing with it. She scrolls through it ad soon presses the phone to her ear.

"Hello, Niall." And my eyes widen what is this girl doing.

"This is Avery. One of Zayn's friends" She smiles at me.

"Can you come pick Zayn up? He's in no condition to drive and I don't own a car." She's smiling mischievously now.

"Great. Bye." As soon as she's off the phone I grab it.

"What did you do?" I say

"Well... It's all part of my master plan." she says still smirking.

"Which is?" And she giggles

"Wait and see. Wait and see." She giggle's more. We then fall into a silence waiting for Niall.

"MUPPETS ARE REAL!!!" She suddenly yells, making me jump.

"What?" I ask, scared.

"Sorry it was just too quiet." She says, giggling.

"Wow. Avery you are one of the cool's girls I ever met." I say and she smiles. Then the door ring's and I get nervous. What if he hates me. What if Avery's plan doesn't work.

"Hi. Are you Avery?" Niall asks. And I get shivers.

"Yes. You must be Niall." She says and I get up and mve to the door.

"Oh Zayn. Your, um, thing, is in my room." What thing?


"You know. Oh just go get it" And she pushes me towards her room.

"Oh. I'l come with you mate." Niall says following me. We both enter the room and then I hear a click. I look back and the door is shut. I run over to it and it's locked. 

"Avery?" I warn.

"No. Talk to him or I'll send my muppets after you." She says.

"Her muppets?" Niall asks and I turn around to face him.

"She's peculiar." I say, laughing.

"Oh. And what do you need to talk to me about." He says, giggling.

"Um. I-" I start.

"AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!" Avery screams through the door. And Niall's eyes widen

"What?" He says.

"Um she's right."  I say looking down.

"Oh I guess it's a good thing I love you back." He says smiling and coming towards me.


"I don't want Avery sending her muppets after me." And we both laugh. Then we kiss. And kiss. And kiss. Until Avery opens the door. And then we go home and fall asleep. Together. I have to thank Avery and all her kookiness.

Hehehe. I hope you liked it Avery? I tried to make it like I thought you would be. I honestly couldn't stop laughing while writting this. Comment/Vote/Fan:)

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