Vanilla Twilight (Lirry Stayne)

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Ok . This is dedicated to BYEadubgby13 for the amaZayn idea. It's based on the song Vanilla Twilight by Owl City. This is the first time I wrote a song based on a story. So here we go.

"I hate you!" Liam screamed at Harry even though he didn't mean it. He was just so mad.

"Well then I'll just leave!" Harry said. Tired of Liam, his uptight boyfriend. That day he packed up and got on a flight not knowing when he was going back. 

Liam sits on the beach.

'The stars look pretty. But I really miss Harry.'  He frowns. He can't stop thinking about Harry. Especially not today, tomorrow is their one year anniversery. If they were still dating. 

The stars lean down to kiss you, And I lie awake and miss you, Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

He starts to doze off still thinking about Harry. Reminiscing about all the times he fell asleep in Harry's arms or Harry falls asleep in his.  

'I miss him. Maybe I should call him' He thinks to himself. He hates the fight. Hates it!

Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly, But I'll miss your arms around me, I'd send a postcard to you, dear, Cause I wish you were here.

When Liam wakes up from his nap it's almost morning. He remembers sitting on this beach looking at the sunrise with Harry. Harry. Harry.

I'll watch the night turn light blue, But it's not the same without you, Because it takes two to whisper quietly.

Liam knows he should get over Harry. But he can't. He looks at his hands and remembers holding hands with Harry. 

The silence isn't so bad, Till I look at my hands and feel sad, Cause the spaces between my fingers, Are right where yours fit perfectly.

It's bad enough he hasn't slept since Harry left. Now he can't stop thinking about him. He tries to keepi his mind off Harry but it's so hard.

I'll find repose in new ways, Though I haven't slept in two days, Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone

The sun is coming now. and Liam still is sitting there missing Harry. He thinks of him so much. Too much.

But drenched in vanilla twilight ,I'll sit on the front porch all night, Waist deep in thought because when, I think of you I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone, As many times as I blink, I'll think of you tonight.

What Liam doesn't know is Harry is right behind him. Watching him. He missed Liam so much he decided to come home. They both regret the fight. 

When violet eyes get brighter, And heavy wings grow lighter, I'll taste the sky and feel alive again.

Harry sees something in Liam's hand and he doesn't believe his eyes. It's pills and a cup of water. No Liam wouldn't.

But Liam can't take it anymore. He wants to forget everything. But not Harry. He could never forget Harry. Liam wishes Harry was here so he could tell him he loved him one last time. 

But I swear I won't forget you, Oh if my voice could reach back through the past, I'd whisper in your ear:, "Oh darling I wish you were here"

"Liam stop!" Harry yells. Liam stops suprised. He can't belive his ears. 

"Harry?" Liam asks his voice thick with tears. He gets up and as soon as he sees Harry he drops the cup and pills and runs hugging him.

"Liam I am so sorry. I love you!" Harry says, tears streaking his face.

"I love you too." Liam says and then they kiss and finsh watching the sun come up.

I hope you liked it. I do. The song is on the side--> Lirry! I really like Lirry. Anyway, Comment/Vote/Fan:)

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