I Would Swim All the Oceans Just to See You Smile (Larry Stylinson)

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This is dedicated to GemmaCook for requesting a Larry Stylinson one shot. I hope you like it, I tried my best.


Louis POV

I had to get home. It's already been a week. And I know I have a week longer on vacation but I just miss Harry so much. So I'm going home today, I'll make sure of it. First I'll call the airport and buy a ticket back to London, even though I'm only 6 hours drive I'll get there sooner if I fly.


After booking the flight I call Harry.


“Hey, Haz it's me Lou.”

“Louis!!!” He yells excitedly through the phone.

“Hey Haz I just need you to pick up from the airport in a couple of hours.”

“Really? You 're coming home early?” He sounds surprised.

“Yep, but listen Haz I got to go, my flight leaves soon and I still need to shower and get ready.” I say, sad that I have to end the call so soon.

“Oh ok Bye Lou” He says sounding disappointed, too.

“Bye.” I end the call and quickly grab some clothes and hop in the shower. God I am so helplessly in love with Haz. Liam says he know's for a fact Harry loves me back, but I'm still not sure. But I made up my mind to tell him as soon as I get home. I get out of the shower and quickly change into My signature red pants with my white stripped shirt. I grab my favorite pair of toms and throw them on. I grab my keys, my phone and my suitcases and grab my suitcase.


When I get to the airport I hear an announcement

“Flight 108 to London has been canceled because of technical issues I repeat Flight 108 to London has been canceled because of technical issues. Sorry for the inconveince.”

No! That was my flight. What am I going to do now I have to see my Haz I have to!  I go up to the counter lady.

“Hello miss! I was wondering when the soonest flight is to London.”

“Well, Mr. Tomlinson,” I wasn't surprised she knew me, most people did not to sound big headed it was just a fact. “The next flight isn't until tomorrow”

“Oh ok” I fake a smile and leave. Tomorrow, that's too late. I need to see Harry today.


I leave the airport and head to the train station. Oh good, there's a train to London set to depart in an hour. I could handle that.

“Hello, miss. I would like to purchase a ticket to London.”

“Oh! I'm so sorry, sir. The track is under construction. All trains to London are cancleled.”

“Thank you.” I said , turning away fast. You have to be freaking kidding me. But I needed to see Harry.

I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile.

I giggled as one of our song lyrics popped into my head. But it was true, I would don anything to see Harry today. So I guess I just have to drive there.


I got to the car rental place and silently prayed everything worked out.

Half and hour later and some paperwork, I was driving back to London. Finally I would see my Haz soon and tell him I loved him, I was in love with him. I should call Harry.

“Hello?” God, I missed his voice.

“Hey, Haz, Um the plane trip got canceled and then there was a thing with a train. Anyway I'm driving home.”

“Oh ok, Boo. I'll be waiting for you at home.” He sounded concerned.

“Ok Haz, I miss you.” With everything I was.

“I miss you too, Boo. And when you get home I have something important to tell you.” He sounded nervous now.

Ok Haz Bye. I love you.” More than anything in this world.

“Love you too, Boo.” Not the way I love you. I hung up, and kept on driving wondering what Harry had to tell me.


3 hours later and lot's of stops I was quietly humming songs when the car started sputtering and came to a sudden stop.

“No, No, No. No!” I yelled, I just had time to pull the car to the side before it sputtered out. I got out and the hood was smoking. Great! And to make it better I was stuck between nowhere town and un-populated ville.  I checked my phone. No signal. Could this day get any better. Today was supposed to be the day I told Haz, I was in love with him. Now I'm stuck, lost and alone. I climbed in to the backseat of my car wrapped my coat around myself and tried to sleep.


“Boo. Wake up!” I pried my eyelids open only to find Haz on the other side of my car door peering in the window.

“Haz!” I screamed unlocking the door and practically jumping into his arms.

“Hey, Boo. I missed you.” He says, laughing.

“I missed you, too. But why are you here?” I ask curious.

“Well it's a 6 hour drive so when 8 hours later you still weren't home I got worried and came looking for you.” He said, Wow! I had been asleep 5 hours.

“AWW! Thanks Haz!” I smiled up at him and when he smiled back my heart fluttered. Then I noticed the sun was setting, and man did it look beautiful!

“Lou, look the sun is setting.” Harry said reading my mind.

“It' so pretty.” I said deciding now would be a perfect time to tell him.

“Haz, I-“

Boo, I-“ We both started at the same time and I giggled.

“You start” I said turning to Harry and my breath hitched at how close our faces were to each other..

“Well, Boo. I hope you don't hate me but… I love you. Like am in love with you.” Harry said turning to me with a nervous look in his eyes. I lost it and pulled him to me and pressed our lips together. We didn't deepen the kiss but just kept it short and sweet.

“Harry, I love you, too.” I said when we pulled away.

“Be mine?” He asked, smiling.

“Yes” I said happily and then we watched the sunset.

Today didn't go so well but ended wonderfully. I could now call Harry Styles mine.

Ok so do you like it? I personally do. So what should i do next?

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