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[Interviewer | Chris]

"Thank you for joining us today Chris," said the interviewer, smiling. "I'm Ashley, and I'll be your interviewer for today."

"It's my pleasure," Chris chuckled.

"So, today's interview will be mainly answering fan asked questions. However, we wanted you to introduce us to your new TV Containment, which is being released in a few weeks. Tell us how filming is going so far?"

"Ah, filming. Where do we start?" Chris chuckled. "Filming- filming is good- like really good. The cast is fantastic, and so is the crew. It's coming along really well, and I think all the fans will love it."

"Well, no wonder. It was created by Julie Plec. I bet they're all going to love it," Ashley joked. "What's Julie like on set?"

Chris chuckled. "I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that. And Julie, good old Julie. She's fantastic. She's so supportive and helpful towards the cast and crew. She knows what she's doing, and she's just amazing at what she does."

"That's good to hear. So, I have a quite a few questions from fans all over the world. First one is: Can you tell us who you'll be playing in Containment?"

"Ah ha! I can! I'll be playing Jake Riley, who is a cop in the show."

"Will you be in Supergirl?"

Chris smiles. "Hopefully. I'd love to work with Melissa and the cast. Maybe one day."

"What was the Vampire Diaries set like?"

"It was amazing. Everything looked so realistic that you would've thought they were real in real life. The cast were amazing too. They were funny. Always pulling pranks on one another. It was good. I'd be thrilled to be able to work on set with them all again."

"What was playing Kai Parker like?"

"It was definitely a challenge, I know that for a fact. I actually almost lost the role to someone else, but, they chose me. Which I was so excited about. Amelia got mad with me because I wouldn't shut up about it," laughed Chris.

"What's it like being friends with Amelia Armstrong?"

"Amelia? Oh, she's great. She's hilarious, and she's always making me laugh somehow. She's so easy to get along with, and fun to hang around."

"What is Drift like around her?"

"Drift, haha. He loves her. She's like a mother to Drift, and she loves him to death. I don't think we'd be friends anymore if I didn't buy Drift," Chris said, causing Ashley and himself to laugh.

"Are the rumours true about you and Amelia dating?"

Chris chuckled, shaking his head. "No, we're not dating. Just really good friends who met back in 2010."

"Are the rumours about you and Amelia having a one-night-stand back in 2010 true?"

Chris' breath hitched. He wanted to be honest. He really did. But he didn't know how Amelia would react. Three years, and he still hadn't told her how they really met. He knew that it'd break her if he told her the truth, but he had to be honest with his fans. He couldn't keep the secret any longer. It was eating at him.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you guys, and no, Amelia doesn't know either. But yes, it is true. We did have a one-night-stand," Chris said, an honest and shameful tone to his voice.

"Wait a second. You guys had a one night stand and she doesn't even know?" Ashley asked, gaping.

"Pretty much." Chris mumbled.

"Right, well. That's all for today. Thank you for your time today, Chris."

"Anytime. Thank you for having me."

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