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"Promise that I will not take it personal baby
If you're moving on with someone new" - Ed Sheeran [Happier]

EVERYTHING WAS REALLY GOOD BETWEEN CHRIS AND AMELIA. After making up a few weeks ago, they'd been on speaking terms again. Amelia had called him a few day ago, to see what he was up to, and to tell him that she and Silver missed him a lot.

It brought a smile to Chris' face when he heard the name of the puppy. He knew that she was happy with the surprise he had given her. The amount of times he had hurt her in the past few months was ridiculous, and he knew that he had to make up to her somehow.

Due to complete boredom, Amelia's fingers hovered over Chris' contact name in her phone. She thought that it'd be awfully clingy of her to call him again just a few days after she spoke to him. But honestly, she just wanted him to be back in the apartment again. Where they could mess around, and do stupid things whenever.

She loved that about their friendship. They could be complete idiots, not pretend to be someone else around each other, and neither of them cares because they were as bad as one another. That's probably why so many people thought they'd be a cute couple together, but both of them knew that it'd never happen.

Silver barked at her from his place on the bed beside her, causing her to let out a loud laugh at his impatience. Finally, she pressed onto his contact, and placed the phone against her ear, waiting for him to answer the phone. After a few rings, Chris picked up the phone after finishing his small conversation with Hannah.

"Ew, it's ghost busters whattya want?" answered Chris.

Amelia chuckled. "To see when my idiot of a best friend will be back?"

"About 2 weeks, hopefully. Why? D'ya miss me?" asked Chris.

A teasing tone to his voice alerted Amelia that he was most definitely smirking on the other end of the phone. She just shook her head, even though he couldn't see it, and let out a small laugh at his need to be a tease all the time.

"Of course I miss you, you idiot. I haven't seen you in months," said Amelia, glancing down at Silver.

The pup had been playing with her hand under the blanket of her bed. He was currently trying to bite her hand so she'd let go of the sock - she was holding onto - that he wanted. When his small teeth nipped at her hand, she hissed, whisking her hand away from him.

"Ouch, Silver! Bad boy!" scolded Amelia, causing Silver to whine in apology. "It's okay buddy, careful next time."

Chris laughed on the other end. "What'd he do?"

"He bit me on the hand, the little shit."

"Baby, just ask and I could bite you anywhere you pleased," said Chris, his voice dropping a few octaves.

Amelia didn't stop the shiver that ran up her spine at his words. Her stomach shouldn't be fluttering the way it was. However, the first thought that came to mind, was: didn't he have a girlfriend?

"Don't you have a girlfriend to flirt with?" asked Amelia, a slight tone change in her voice, but it was oblivious to Chris.

"Girlfriend? What girlfriend?" joked Chris. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Hannah who sat next to him, smacked him on the thigh when she heard what he said. Whining out, he slapped her thigh back for revenge, but it just kept going back and forth.

"Ow. Hannah stop abusing me," complained Chris, giving up on the fight.

"Then don't talk shit."

"Sorry," pouted Chris. "Kiss?"

Hannah rolled her eyes, leaning over to press her lips against his. He smiled, pulling away from her, before leaning in again. Not even caring that he was on the phone to Amelia.

Amelia sat on the other end of the line awkwardly, her heart clenching in pain. She knew it wasn't right, loving her best friend when he was in a happy relationship and had been for months. It was wrong, but she couldn't help the fact that her heart chose Chris over the population of the world.

"Hey Chris?" Amelia asked.

"Mmm?" responded Chris, smiling as Hannah intertwined her hand with his, and rested her head against his shoulder.

"Can I say hello to Drift?"

A small smile was aching to spread across Chris' lips, but he wouldn't let it. The way she asked him about Drift, made him realise how shy she really was whenever he wasn't around. It was cute, and he really wanted to smile, but he couldn't because of Hannah.

"Yeah, he's here somewhere," said Chris, rising from where he was lying slightly to look around for Drift.

As if on cue, Drift walked into the bedroom of the trailer. Chris almost wanted to shiver at how creepy that was. How did Drift know when to do that shit? It was crazy insane.

"You would not believe me when I say this, but he literally walked in just as I said "yeah, he's here somewhere". Now is that creepy or what?"

"No, not really. You do that all the time when I'm talking to Mum."

Chris chuckled. "That's true. Hey Drift, guess who's on the phone."

Chris turned his phone onto loud speaker. Amelia sat on the other side of the line, smiling. "Hey Drift."

Drift's head snapped up to the phone, causing both Hannah and Chris to let out a laugh.

"Hi buddy. What's going on?" Amelia asked, to which Drift whined in response.

"I miss you too shit head. I'll see you when you get home, okay?"

Drift let out a bark, but whined straight afterwards. Chris chuckled, giving the pup a pat on the head, before placing the phone back against his ear after turning it off loud speaker.

"Hey, I better go. I'll see you in two weeks," mentioned Chris.

"Okay, I'll see you then."

"I love you bestie."

"Love you too."

The only thing that hurt the most, was the fact that it was the truth.

Updated, so please read again.

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