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We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken.
-Fyodor Dostoevsky

Dear stranger,

Amidst of all the chaos of the people on the bus, my eyes landed on you. Why wouldn't they?

You were a foreigner in this country. The dripping of the few droplets of water from the heavy drizzling rainfall outside had caught your strands of silly blonde hair that had escaped from your beanie and those piercing sharp blue eyes had awaken my soul immediately. Also, you were tad bit taller that gave you away as a foreigner.

The bus was filled quickly by the people who were eager to be free from getting wet with raindrop. Some of them started pushing each other making you lose your balance. The expression of you getting irritated for that push made me giggle like a school girl. My giggle was quite loud as the pair of those blue eyes set me. Well, I am sorry but you looked really cute.

I hope you did not find me annoying. Those burning gaze made me foolish for giggling so loudly. I couldn't even face you after that.

Beside you, two girls face full of makeup but really pretty start fluttering their eyelashes and talking a bit loudly to get your attention. The heaviness and burning pit in my stomach surprised me when I saw them. The realization of being jealous for a complete stranger made me fill with displeasure at myself instead of them.

When I look at you, you were already looking at me. Your face was blank not giving anything away but your eyes were full of amusement. I can swore that your lips was twitching, that made me more angry. I quickly looked away scowling.

After five minutes of staring outside the window, the bus came to halt at the bus stop. People began to leave hurriedly for their destination. I quickly looked at the place where you were standing, afraid you were also going to leave. You were giving space to people to let them by. Relief flooded across my body finding you there. May be it was the fact that my heart has gotten so attached to the handsome stranger whom I had watched like a hawk for the past 15 minutes through corner of my eyes started getting cold with the fear of never seeing you again.

But the relief was short lived because the last stop had arrived so quickly. To my dismay, you got ready to leave but not before giving me one last glance and smile.

I pinky promise that you should give a girl some head warning before smiling like that. I quickly gave my bus fare to the bus conductor and rush out of my bus to get a glimpse of you. In my rush, I forgot to open my umbrella that result me catching cold later on. You were nowhere to be seen. It was like you vanished in a thin air. Feeling dejected I went home. Later that night I was haunted by the same blue eyes and that dazzling smile in my sleep.


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