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Dear stranger,

Its been five torturing days and I have not even got a glimpse of you since that departure in the bus.

To say truth, its been four long days, seventeen miserable hours and twenty one minutes and fifty five seconds that my eyes glance around every part of the surrounding just to find you. Not that I was counting.

But then today, I saw you again. Despite of having a peek of you through corner of my eyes in the bus for short period, my brain had captured you perfectly and my heart started galloping like a wild horse seeing you.

The same chiseled jaw, the same hypnotic blue eyes that have been haunting in my dreams every night and then that perfect kissable lips realized that I was standing like a fool at the door of library completely blocking the entry door for the new comers. Somebody poked me from behind and then my brain was set aside from La La Land that contain of you. In my haste to get away from the door I collided into another person and dropped my bag and books on the floor clanking loudly. The noise had disturbed the piece of silence that surrounded the library and now everyone was glaring at me causing me to be centre of attention including yours. I quickly apologized and began to collect the things that had fallen out of my bags.

A hand approached for help startling me. When I looked up, it was you. You helped me to collect my things and waited on me to put those things in my bag.

Before I could thank you for helping me, you stuck your hand for me to shake it.

"My name is Caleb Harrington", you introduced yourself in that deep baritone voice making my toes curl and my body shiver in anticipation.

I was staring at our interlaced hands like a fool with that glaze look,totally forgetting the place I was currently in. Hastily,I introduced myself.

"My name is Alexis", I whisper in squeaky voice. Perhaps now you will really take me for an idiot. First giggling and now squeaking like a rat. My mind sighed at me in annoyance.

I was about to roll my eyes at myself but then suddenly stop looking at you. I smiled at you to make the thing between us less awkward and in return you gave me your dazzling grin.

Uff! I can't help ogling at you like some crazy maniac.

Your next question about what I was doing there brought me out of my ogling state.

In reply I told you that my visit to the library was for collecting my visa and passport which displays how clumsy I am to forget the passport on the desk of library.

Before you could interrogate me further I asked you the same question.

You replied you were there to collect some maps for visiting the neighborhood. You also mentioned that due to the lack of tourist guide you were in desperate need of map to understand the history of the places.

Before my mind could process the information you just gave, I blurted out "Being the local of the place for some years, I have pretty good knowledge of these places and I can help you".

I slapped my hand over my mouth to cease further talking and look at you with wide eyes.

I was hoping that you would laugh at me but when I looked at you, you were looking at me with awe. With a giddy grin you said "Yes! That will be better than these maps. Let's start from tomorrow. Is it okay with you?"

I swiftly replied "Yes! It's okay. I am free these days. But how would I contact you?"

You did not give me any vocal response but thrust your phone in my hand opening the phone dial.

I blushed and put my number on these giving myself a ring so that I could have your number as well.

I timidly looked at you finding that you were already staring at me with something like adoration. I gave you your phone and stood awkwardly for your response, you quickly cleared your throat and mention to see me tomorrow putting a chocolate bar in my hands.

I glanced in my hands and up to see you, you were already heading out to the door. But not before giving me that shy grin of yours.


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