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Strange, I thought, how you can be living your dreams and your nightmares at the very same time.

-Ransom Riggs(Hollow City)

Dear stranger,

I had always thought that dreams and nightmares are two different parts of the world.Existing in the same place but with vast difference.

When I was five, my class teacher Miss Polly used to say that if we behave well during our class and be a good children to our parents, God will gift us with wishes and hope known as dreams during the night after we were tucked in bed to sleep. But if we had behave bad, behave as a meanie to other fellows and have not ate vegetables, then God would be angry at us and gift us with terror and agony known as nightmares.

As a child, I had truly believed over Miss Polly's  words and I accustomed myself to behave well with my parents and friends and also eat vegetables given to me.

I remember I even used to pray to God wishing only to gift me with dreams since I had been a good girl.

But that changed too soon.

When I was tweleve, reality came crashing back to me at such young age,Caleb.You cannot fathom how hard I tried to cling to my wish of never getting scary nightmares.

I couldn't mentally penetrate my mind about how God could punish me even when I had been nice and good.

Its been ten years since I first met with nightmares but to this day I still fear to put myself to sleep and rekindle my friendship with nightmare time and again.

Like everyday in the past, today also I had fear of meeting my old friend while I tuck myself to sleep. Still,I decided to fight back with my monster.

But before that I looked at your photo that I had taken secretly when you were talking to Librarian as a hope of you to become my anchorage.

Caleb,you would be amazed at how pro I am at these types of hidden capturing things. I desperately wished that like a charm you would keep my agony away.

But alas, my old friend nightmare couldnot await another night to revive me with his presence.

The same two hands groping the flesh of my thighs painfully, the burning in my neck due to the bite from the monster, the slimy mouth kissing my breast unpleasantly terrorized me.

What frightened me the most was the darkness that was the barrier for me from seeing the monster. I was alone in a scary place and I couldnot even do anything.No one was there to save me from the whimsical creature.

However, a ray of illuminating light without warning entered the darkness.I forced my eyes to stay open in fear of missing out my new hope in hue of gloominess.

And my new faith was coming from a peaceful looking angel who was moving towards me gracefully. The angel enveloped me in his arms and suddenly tonight I wasn't the one to scream in terror, it was the dangerous creature wailing in pain due to the wrath of my beautiful angel.

For the first time in years inspite of the fear I woke up smiling thinking of the beautiful angel.

Do you know who that angel was, my stranger?

It was you, Caleb.Only you.


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~Love Imma

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