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Dear stranger,

I overslept. That was the foremost thing that my brain registered after waking up. In my sudden haste, I stumbled over the carpet and fell down facing the floor flatly.

Phew! What a great way to start the day.

In not so graceful manner, I began to elevate myself up from the floor. While doing so, there was a slight pain in the joint of my left hand. Thinking it was just some small injury, I proceeded to do my normal routine hurriedly.

When I had finished all of my task, the slight discomfort in my left hand had turned into a heavy uneasiness.
Even a gentle movement from my left hand caused my body a heavy pain.
Tears started to stream down from my face in an unappeasable way and black dots started to form in my visions.

Plopping myself in the bed, I began to take deep breaths. Gradually, my body beffited itself toward calmness. It wasn't new for me to have anxiety attacks once in a full moon. This time the trigger was the unpleasant amount of pain in my body.

I felt scared. So, I took out my phone from my purse and called you hoping your soothing voice may helped me.
It rang for few times and went straight to the voicemail.Thinking you were busy, I decided to leave you a message.

"Hey Caleb.We have to cancel our plans for today. Sorry to inform you so late but I am feeling rather unwell today."

I thought you would response soon like always. Except, I was wrong. After waiting nearly for half an hour, I called you again.

This time someone answered my call,though it was not you. It was a woman voice that I heard.

But rather than speaking to me, she started talking in the background.

"Babe! Your phone has been ringing for a few times now."

"Who is it?", a male voice asked.

I recognized it as yours.

"Someone name as Lexi. She even messaged you earlier. She began to summarized my meassage in her own words.

Perhaps she had read it earlier.

"Who is Lexi babe?" the woman questioned.

There was footstep running around and some giggling before you answered back in a cocky tone.

"Oh! She is basically no one. She is just some ugly girl vying for my attention.
To be honest a pain in my ass. To stop her desperate attempts completely, I had asked her out".

I gasp stunned.

"Oh!What a bitch", the female affirmed your statement.

"Yeah! She must have had a heart attack when I asked her out. Too bad she doesnot know its out of pity. Like I would even need her when I have you. No one can compete with you baby inside and outside of bed", you told her.

You both laughed at your own joke. I felt sick. I just couldn't take anymore. I ended the call.

Your harsh statements made me sob inconsolably to the point of hyperventillation.

Frantically, I called my bestfriend Lucy. She picked up on the first ring and listened to my blabber. She helped me to calm a few notch down.

During the ten minutes journey from her home to mine, she talked to me in a soothing voice. She reminded me that I wouldnot have to feel alone cause she will always be there for me.

Bursting through my front door, she rushed toward me enveloping me in her warm body. I wailed miserably in her arms.

Observing my left hand,she took me to an emergency ward in the hospital.
The doctor explained that a part of my joint had been broken leading to a small fracture. He told me to take some rest and not to exert my body from stress. He also gave me some medicine to minimize the pain.

Lucy decided to take me to her home instead of mine due to my poor state.

Up to today's morning, I was so happy due to you. Giggling like a small girl, I felt that I was on cloud nine. But now, I had learnt the harsh truth. I shouldn't have trust some stranger's sweet talks easily.

Why did you say those things, Caleb?

Did you really thought me as some kind of rag doll?

Did you not thought me as a friend? Why did you made me thought so, Caleb?

Who are you really and why did you lie, Caleb??



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