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Dear stranger,

Never in my life, had I expected myself to be woken up by a scream,rather than of myself.

The pierced scream was so heartbreakingly painful. I searched for the screamer, and there he was, my little bugger, thrashing wildly in bed.

Seeing that sight, my heart hammered painfully against my ribcage.

Without another thought, not caring about my injured hand, I embraced him and started to sooth him. Slowly, my little bugger started to calm down.

I wasn't the only one to hear the little bugger's scream, as you rushed throught the door with sheer fright look. Noticing the sleepy form of Alexander, you released an anxious breath.

Gradually, I placed Alexander in the bed, when the edges of his T-shirt rolled up, showing his stomach. I couldn't look away from the view, not because of the cute baby fat, but the deep red scar on it.

I swiftly rolled the T-shirt down, and looked at you. My eyes must have shown hints of anger, as you ducked your head in embarrasment.

I tiptoed around the room and soundly locked the door, so that the little bugger could sleep peacefully. Automatically, my hand grabbed yours and I started to tug you after me to the other room.

After we were both inside, I inhaled a large breath to keep my anger at bay.
I looked at you, and there you were fidgeting and tapping your fingers on the table. A sign that you were nervous.

I sat beside you and without any verbal response, I urged you to speak.

You started to wove your fingers through your hair.Another aign of nervousness.

Finally you spoke," I don't how to start, but promise me you will listen first and judge later on.

I held my hand and show my pinky finger as a sign of my promise.

You started
" I had always been popular through my school, whether it was due to my rich parents, or my behaviour, everybody wanted to be friends with me. Even when I was a kid, other kids used to follow me. At first, I was so cocky due to the large amount of attention. But, when I began to reach my late teen years, I started to get fed up. All I had was fake friends,who were friends with me, either for my money, or popularity.
Then I met, Karlie. She was the new student. She wasn't like other girls.She was so shy, that she would turn in blubbering mess like tomato- red ,even if small attention was onto her.
       I was so intrigued by her behaviour. We began to talk, and slowly we fell in love. We became the 'it-couple' of our highschool. Our every behaviour was viewed like we were some kind of new bacteria put on the microscope. Girls started flocking after her, and she soon became the head of the cheerleader. Gone was the shy girl, and  instead of her, was the bold girl. I was so happy for her new found confidence.
I couldn't have been more proud of her. But the popularity, and the amount of attention, got to her and she became spiteful. We started to had fight everyday, but would make-up soon.We had our relation going on for two years.
        One day, she came to me crying, and told me that she was pregnant. We had always used protection, but I  didn't doubt her. It was shocking to have baby in so young age, but it wasn't the baby's fault. So, I decided to work and get some help from my parents for the baby.
            When I told the news to my parents, they were worried. Strangely, my mom never liked Karlie. Mom used to say Karlie gave her weird vibes. I used to argue with my mom. I used to joke that Karlie was special, so must be her special aura, that used to put mom off.
          But, mother instinct is barely incorrect. When Alexander was one month old, I came home early to find him crying alone, Karlie was nowhere to be found.When I searched her, I found her so high on drugs, fucking John- the neighbour guy. I couldn't take it. I picked Alexander and went to my parents house to stay.
           Next day, Karlie came to my parents house, sobbing hysterically and started apologizing.When I told that we can't be together, she threatened to take Alexander away from me. So, I decided to be together with her.
      With the help of my parents, I began to plan to take custody of Alexander. The night when I returned from my parent's house, she had known about my plans, so she made haphazard attempt to cut her nerves. That was the first night, when Alexander got hurt. She had thrown him on the floor with anger, and had tried to drown him on the tub. If I was even a minute late, then I would have lost both of them. Alexander was just few months old. After getting proper medication for her, I started to take care of her. I believed that I was the reason, she was like that.
         She started to become more possesive of me. When a stranger girl talked with me, she used to blame me for infidelity. She tried to hurt herself more, so I completely stopped going to my job and outside.
          Few months later, she started to appear fine. She started to become the same girl that I had fallen for. She started smiling alot like before. But, everything was lie. The biggest lie she had fabricate, shattered the purpose of  my soul. The little boy, that I came to love more than myself wasn' t even mine. Nearly after one year and six months that I found it. If my mom hadn't pressurized for DNA test, I would never have found it. Alexander was the result of her one night stand, when she was in relationship with me. I was crushed. But, I couldn't let myself hate Alexander. It wasn't his fault. Eventhough, he wasn't mine by blood,he was still mine.
           Again, my mom and I secretly planned for the custody of Alexander, and we managed to have a sole power on his birth certificate. That's when I came here due to my office work, leaving Alexander alone with her. Since, I hadn't told her about my visit, in anger, she had whipped Alexander.
Doubting me for my unfaithfulness, she surprised visit me with Alexander. Thats when you phoned me. I told you about her possesive nature, but not the extent of it. On her crazy possesive act, she had run her car to a girl, who was my colleague at office. My colleague simply had smiled at me and wave bye, when Karlie saw it, and got crazy. So, you have to understand why, I told the harsh lies at phone.
               A girl had smiled at me, and Karlie ran a car into her.Think what will she do, when she finds my friendship with you! I couldn't afford it, Lexi.
           When I had convinced her to go back, and leave Alexander with me as a witness to my faithfulness, she agreed. I had to make sure, that she couldn't hurt you or Alexander. So, please forgive me for the lies that I had woven during the phone call. I know I hurt you bad, but please try to understand that I did it to protect you.
Please forgive me, Lexi. PLEASE.

At the end of your whole story, my body was filled with so much pain for your family and anger for Karlie.
How can anyone hurt the little bugger so cruelly?

I shifted towards you, and without any warning hugged you. My behaviour must have been shocking, as you sat there stiffly for few seconds. After few seconds, you returned my embrace.

I softly whispered "I forgive you Caleb. I forgive you."


Hi there,
I know it is late, but I hope you liked this chapter. I know my previous chapter sucked, but I hope this one is better.

And a huge thank you , because "Loving A Stranger" reached #336 this week on short story. It couldn't have been possible without you.


Till then, Ta-Ta

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