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Dear stranger,

I am an idiot.

I really am.


Because even after facing the ugly harsh truth from you, I simply can't stop writing to you.

This is my third attempt at writing you . I've barely started it and I'm already finding the urge to rip this pages into shreds.

Then you must be thinking what I am doing here.

To be honest, I don't know.

I don't know why my mind is so accustomed to writing you this.

I don't know why my heart is in anguish when little things remind me of you.

I don't know why are these two parts of my body acting differently.

I don't know why my body refuses a single bite of any food without vomiting it back while it can easily devour a whole bar of chocolate in few seconds.

I don't know why my heart thrums painfully recalling your goodnight message,when my brain wants to delete it without second glance.

I don't know why it had to be so confusing.

I don't know why I still can't believe your words when you had clarify it so cruelly.

I don't know why there is still a small hope that you will rectify your words and our friendship will pass this hurdle.

I don't know why the more logical part wants me to give you a chance at forgiveness and the other wants to forget you.

I don't know why I can't make up my mind about you.

I don't know why it had to be so confunding and not easy.

I really don't know.

Can you help me out stranger??


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