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Dear stranger,

Something cold was pressed in my stomach. It was annoying and ticklish.
I grunted sleepily and tried to swat it away.
Phew!It was gone. It wasn' t more than five seconds, when the cold thing was tickling me again.

"Lucy must have put a frog in our bed. Must be her latest prank", my subconscious reminded me.

Whatever sleepful place I was in, was thrown out of the window, after hearing that.

I jumped from my bed to see what the cold thing was.But, instead of the frog sitting there, it was the little brown-eyed monster on my bed, who was grinning at me like a fool. Seeing him, I did what others would do, when they find stranger in their bed. I screamed. I literally screamed,like there was a fire in my house.

There were footsteps running around, and few seconds later, Lucy and you were standing in the door with a frying pan.

"A frying pan? Really?What are we in? Tangled?", my mind chimed out.

"What happened?", Lucy breathlessly asked.

Noticing the little bugger in the room, you both breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Good morning", you greeted cheerpily.

Hah! There is nothing good I see this morning.

"Whatever", I snorted.

" Well isn't someone a chirpy ray of sunshine this morning", Lucy sarcastically said.

I flipped my hair at her.

You mustn' t had expected me to do that, since your eyes went wide.

"What?", I mouthed.

"Nothing", you mouthed.

My eyes wandered out to Lucy and the little bugger, who were watching our interactions, grinning like two fools.

I stuck out my tongue at them.

In return, I got the same two reactions from them. Feigning annoyance, I rolled my eyes at you all.

"What are you guys doing here?", I asked you.

Before you could speak, Lucy answered" You were in heavy slumber,due to the painkillers. So I thought to invite them over.I would rather not disturb you."

I smiled at her thoughtfulness.

She continued"But I swear, I didn' t know that the litte one would have snuck in your room."

I narrowed my eyes at the little bugger, and being the little actor, he was, he just looked at me with his fake innocence. If my left hand wasn' t in cast, I would sure have tickled the hell out of him.

Instead, I just mirrored his toothy grin.

Our grinning contest was broken, when Lucy clapped her hands and scolded me to get ready for breakfast.
I just nodded at her went to finish my daily morning routine.

Since, I couldn' t shower I just brushed my teeth and washed my face.

When I went down, you guys were all set for breakfast. There were pancakes, bacon, muffin, sausage and eggs. Yummy! I hopped into my seat and started to plate. I took the maple syrup bottle and poured it over my pancakes. Before, I could have a bite, the little bugger came to my side and start squealing " Me! Me!".

Who can resist him?

You helped me to settle him at the chair.You placed few cushions at his chair, so he could reach the table.

Hmm! So thoughtful.

I began to feed the little bugger. He actually favoured sausage to bacon like me. In between,feeding him, I also started to munch. Finally!

After finishing the breakfast, Lucy placed a glass of milk before the little bugger. At the sight of the milk, he cutely scrunched his little nose.

I quietly took out my chocolate mixture shake from the counter-shelf, and drew a smiley on his milk. As I predicted, he happily took the glass and started drinking. As cliche it sounds, he really had a moustache of milk. I couldn' t stop giggling at him. I pulled him towards me, and wiped his fake moustache.

When I looked at you and Lucy, you guys had a very serene look on your faces due to our moment. I couldn' t help but blushed at your gaze.

Clearing my throat,I announced that Alex and I would be in living room watching movies. You both nodded and start cleaning the table and dishes.

When you guys had emerged from the kitchen room, both Alex and me were on the verge of sleeping.

I hate you painkillers.

Painkillers always had those effects on me. Lucy knew that, so she asked me to go to my room for a nap. I sleepily argued with her. But she just shook her head. She looked at you, and gave you some eye-sign. I was too sleepy to figure out what she was signing. Suddenly, I was being carried by the set of strong arms.

I sleepily looked at you and mumbled" We really need to talk."

You just smiled and said ," Later."

By the time , Lucy had placed Alexander on bed, I was far away in my sleepyland.

Too peaceful and carelessly happy, to worry about our conversation, and it's outcome.


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