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Dear stranger,

Today couldn't have come much earlier.Despite of having sleepless night,my body seemed to be in sugar rush. It was getting anxious and quite fidgety. I seriously hoped that I wouldn't appear so infront of you. Inorder to unconstrain my body from the sugar high, I decided to go on a run.

After nearly two hours of running, my body sembled to be calm and collected. Subsequently,I decided to have shower and breakfast. When I had finished all of my chores, I contemplated whether to call you or not. Certain minutes later, I decided to call you not giving tinker's cuss to anyone.

I took a deep steadying breath and dialed your number. You answered on the third ring with a jolly voice.

"Hey there"

" Oh! Hellow Caleb".

My voice was quite breathless so sudden.There was a brief pause, so I decided further to talk.

"Err..I was calling you to know at what time you would like to meet me today?"

"Oh! Wait, hold on. First let me see the time. Its ten now. So,what do you say about in half an hour at the library gate?" You asked in a warm voice.

"Kind of seductive", my mind butted in. Inconspicuously my breath hitched at your voice.

"Um! Yeah, thats alright. Okay,I'll see you there." I gushed out.

Ending the call, I decided to get ready opting for a casual denim shirt and high waist jeans paired with sneakers.

Before heading out, I suddenly remembered your departure gift of last time, so I planned to gift you something from my homemade food shelf. Carefully packing the box, I locked the door and rushed myself to library.

Since the library wasn't far away, I arrived there on time.

You were already there waiting for me looking all handsome and broodingly sexy. I scolded myself for those out of line thoughts.

Then I really noticed you.

What in tarnation for fate that we matched from head to toe. Even the damn sneakers.

May be I wasn't the only one to notice that, since you slyly grinned at me.

"Red alert",my mind yelled.

"Hey, we correspond with each other. Do you have some super mind reading power, since there isn't anything different?" you said.

I laughed and replied "Maybe, its you that decided to take a peek in my mind".

The corner of your mouth quirked up and with a exaggerated wink you answered "You really know me".

We burst out laughing at your antics, not caring about the strange stares people were giving us.

Sobering up, we decided about the places you wanted to visit.Appraising our time, I intended myself to take you on the detour of various ancient and religious places.

I gave you sundry information of those places, so that you could proceed all the knowledge easily. We took several pictures of the places and of ourselves from your camera that my mind hadn't perceived before.

Five hours later, I had given you all the tour of duty that you had on your top-list for the ancient places surviving on few cupcakes and apple juice.

Seeing how there was still some time left, I requested you to come with me in the cafe to feed our hungry stomachs. You readily agreed and we decided to have the chicken chow-mein with a coke.

Finishing our food and harmonizing ourselves to let me pay (a bit friendly arguing later) we made plans for tomorrow and decided to set out our way for today. At last minute, I recalled my small gift for you and conveyed it to you.

It was unexpected for you. But before you could disagree,I ran out from there saying a hasty bye.

During dinner,I pondered about my behaviour infront of you and cringed at myself for my childishness.

Later on while exerting myself to sleep, I was distracted by a beep of message on my phone.

The message that lead me to peaceful slumber in what I bet myself in decade even though it was in multiple foreign language was
"Thank you for the chocolate cookies querido.Those cookies and the beautiful benefactor of those cookies are mon trésor.
Goodnight Minne.Sleep tight and don't let the bugs bite."🐞

Hi there,😈
Long time no see lovelies.
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