I'm broken

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Five months later...

Spencer's POV

It's been five months since Aria left to be with Ezra. They decided to move back to Rosewood. I'm obviously upset that she left, but I know that we couldn't stop her. Alex has been so terrible since she left. She lashed out at our father when he told her that Aria will come back, she doesn't believe that anymore. Me and the girls have gone to her house but she doesn't let us in. I'm scared for both her and Elliot's sake. Toby's asked about calling the police, but I know Alex would never hurt Elliot.

As I walk to Alex's house and attempt to get her to talk to me for the billionth time, I see her exit her house for the first time in months. I see that she has Elliot in one hand, and a bag in the other. "Alex!" I yell to her, walking near. She stops and sighs, annoyed. "Where are you going?" I ask her. She goes to her car and puts Elliot in his car seat, then looks at me. "I'm going to get Aria." She tells me. "So, you waited five months to finally go get her back?" I asked. Alex sighs and rolls her eyes. "I'm going to get her from the airport. Apparently, Nicole came back and Ezra was quick to dump her. So she left and asked me to pick her up." She says.

    Out of all of us, why would she ask Alex? She broke her heart into a million pieces and never said goodbye. I'm more confused as to why Alex would agree to pick her up.

Alex's POV

      After my conversation with Spencer, I got in my car and started to drive to the airport. I drive in silence with only the sound of Elliot babbling in the back seat. I look over to the passenger seat where the engagement ring box is sitting. Sighing, I pull up to the airport parking lot and see Aria walk by towards the car. I quickly grab the box and shove it in the backseat.

She opens the passenger door and climbs into my car, tossing her bag into the back seat, then putting her suitcases in the trunk. When she comes back, I notice she's just as miserable as me. The bags under her eyes, not caring about wearing make up, and no smile. "Hey." I say to her. She only looks up at me and gives me a sad smile.

As we're driving, Aria looks to Elliot in the back seat and tickles his foot. "Hey buddy! You look so big now!" She tells him, them turns back around. I noticed on my rear view mirror that Elliot had a confused look, like he didn't remember who she was. It's been that long.

Aria's POV

When we got home, I put my bag and suitcases in the guest room. Alex and I had agreed that me coming back didn't mean that we were getting back together so fast. I felt exiled when I got here. Alex opened the door and immediately she grabbed Elliot and took him upstairs. I couldn't even see my son.

Later that night we all sat I the living room watching Adult Swim, Elliot wasn't paying attention thankfully, he was playing with his toys. I noticed he was paying with a small box, making his characters stand on top of it and pretending it was a meteor. I looked to Alex, who was sitting on the opposite side of the room. She didn't notice the box, but it seemed strange to me.

Suddenly while Elliot was playing with the box, it cracked open, revealing a diamond ring. I gasped, who's ring was that? Elliot started to crawl towards Alex with the opened box, until I told him to come to me. "I'll help you buddy." I told him. I looked to Alex who was frightened and silently begged that wouldn't come to me. He looked at me funny, but crawled towards me anyway.

"Can I see the box?" I asked Elliot when he got near me. He nicely handed me the box and I saw Alex shoot out of her chair and rush towards me. "You don't need to look at that." She said. I look at the beautiful diamond ring and put the pieces together, she was going to propose. "Alex...." I start. "I told you we're over." She takes the box out of my hand and shoves in her back pocket.

"It's not for you." She says. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, it is for you, I mean, it was..." She fumbles over her words, it's kind of cute. "What's going on?" I try to ask, I'm so confused. "The day that we broke up, I was planning on proposing to you. But you left, and I, I was hoping that maybe you would come back, and I could give you the ring. So I've been holding onto it for these passed five months and I know now that, it's not meant to be." She tells me.

It breaks my heart how much she really loves me, and I tore her apart. She kept that ring hoping I would come back for her. But I didn't. I left her behind, I left Elliot behind, I left everyone that loves me, behind. I'm terrible, Alex will never take me back, she hates me. "I'm sorry. I'm, a terrible person for letting someone take over me and it was all for nothing! He didn't even love me!" I scream, starting to break down. "I love you." I look up, Alex looks at me with the most loving smile. "I love you too." I say.

     I see her move back, then get down on one knee, what is she doing? "I don't know if we're together or not, but I will never stop loving you. I loved you when I first saw and I loved even when you walked out that door. I had hope that you would come back to me, and since you did I never want to let you go again. I want to love you til the day I die. Will you marry me Aria?" Alex finishes. I'm in tears now, happy tears. She doesn't hate, I know that now, and she wants to marry me. She never stopped caring, and that's why I love her. "Yes."

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