What do we do?

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Nicole's POV

     The cops finally arrived. They did some questioning and took Maggie's body away. I changed my clothes before they got here so I didn't look suspicious. A nice cop came over to me to take a statement.

Cop: Are you Hanna Marin?

Nicole: Yes. I am.

Cops: Did you know the victim?

Nicole: Yes, *sniff* She was my best friend.

Cops: I'm so sorry.

Nicole: So am I.

After the questioning the cops walks away and another one walks up to me.

Cops: So...you're Hanna Marin?

Nicole: Yes I am.

Cops: Really? I thought Hanna Marin was blond with blue eyes.

Nicole: Um....what?

     The cop reached into his pocket and pulled out a card.

Cops: I'm detective Marco Furey. Here's my card, call me when you want to tell me the truth.

I took the card in fear and got into my car. He knows I'm lying...and I need to keep him quiet.

Alex's POV

Alex: Hurry up come on!

Me and Aria were running though the woods. We didn't know where we were, but hopefully we were far away from the bell tower.

Aria: Do you have your phone?

     I reached into all of my pockets, it wasn't there.

Alex: No. I must have left it somewhere.

Aria: (Cw)

I saw lights up ahead, car lights.

Alex: Look.

Aria looked in the same direction I was and saw headlights. We ran into the lit road and tried to stop the car. As the vehicle stopped I realized that it was a police car and was relieved but scared. A cop stepped out of the car and walked up to us.

Cop: Do you girls need help?

Alex: Yes.

Cop: Wait. Are you Alex Drake?

Alex: Um...yes.

The cop's expression changed as he pulled out his hand cuffs. He walked up to Alex and started to arrest her.

Cop: Alex Drake, you are under arrest for the murder of Maggie Cutler.

Aria: Maggie's dead?

    The cop finished his arresting speech and put me in the back of his car.  I looked back at Aria who was just standing there in shock. How could I be arrested for something I didn't do? Nicole is still out there, so what do we do?

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