I'll get her back

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Aria's POV

I watched Alex be put in the back of the cop car. Rage boiled inside of me, how could Nicole be so cruel? I walked through the woods until I was sure that I was somewhere familiar. Then I looked around. I was in the Dilaurentis backyard. I went to leave when someone opened the back door.

Jason: Aria?

Jason stood on the back porch staring at the dirt on my clothes.

Aria: Can I come inside?

Jason nodded and lead me into the living room.

Jason: Do you need anything?

Aria: Uh, can I use your phone?

Jason: Yea.

Jason took his phone off an end table and handed it to me; I called Spencer.

Spencer: Jason?

Aria: No Spence it's me.

Spencer: Oh my god Aria? Alex went out to find you are you okay?!

Aria: I'm fine, but Alex just got arrested.

Spencer: What?! For what?!

Aria: For killing Maggie, she's dead.

Spencer: Oh my god. Who took you?

Aria: Nicole.

      I heard Spencer gasp on the other line and tell something to someone on her end, most likely Toby.

Spencer: Listen, Toby is going down there to sort things out. Are you at Jason's?

Aria: Yea.

Spencer: Stay there. You're more safe at Jason's than walking around town.

Aria: Okay.

      We spoke a few more words before hanging up. Thankfully Jason let me wash up and use some of Alison's clothes for the night. I laid in Ali's bed and waited for all of this to blow over.

        In the morning, I woke up and heard talking coming from downstairs. I tip toed down the stairs and saw Spencer and Toby talking to Jason. I got to the bottom step and everyone turned to notice me.

Aria: Hey.

Spencer: Hey!

      Spencer got up form the couch and came to hug me, it made me miss Alex. I held on a little longer than I should have and then pulled away. Spencer and I walked over to the boys and sat down on the couch.

Aria: So, what's the plan?

Toby: Well, there really is no plan. We can't get Alex out jail if we can't prove that Nicole is to blame for all this.

Aria: Well, Alex clearly didn't kill Maggie.

Toby: How can we prove that she didn't?

Aria: How can we prove that she did?

       Jason, Toby, and Spencer suddenly got quiet. They were hiding something.

Aria: What?

        Jason and Spencer looked at Toby to give the answer.

Toby: Uh, when the cops found Maggie's body, there was a gun at the scene. As of last night, forensics have showed that that gun was used to kill Maggie.

Aria: Okay?

Spencer: Aria, Alex's fingerprints were on the gun.

       Oh my god. I had almost forgotten about how Alex shot that doll of me in the bell tower! Nicole must have used it to kill Maggie. How can I prove that Alex is innocent?
Aria: I'm gonna speak to Ezra.

Spencer: Aria that's dangerous.

Aria: I don't care! He has to know where Nicole could be and when he tells me, I'll call you guys and then we'll find out the truth.

Toby: Aria, what if you get hurt?

Aria: I won't! Ezra won't hurt me.

Jason: You don't know that.

Aria: You don't know Ezra like I do.

Spencer: I still think it's a bad idea.

      I was getting fed up. This is my fiancé, I need to get her back.

Aria: I don't care what you think, I'm going to get Alex back.

      I walked out of the house with only the clothes on my back and walked to Ezra's. When I find Nicole, she may not be alive when I'm done with her.

I don't blame you (Alexria fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin