First Impressions

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I put my foot down on the pedal of my lambo and drove straight to the airport.
While on my jet enjoying some champagne, I hear an announcement on the TV. "(Y/n) has left the country to take on Japan..." screams of fans drown out the rest of what the TV presenter had to say.

"Sorry to all my fans" I say raising my glass to the TV and sip it enjoying the fizz as I shut my eyes and relax.
The plane finally lands in Japan and coming down the steps I see a large black hummer limo waiting for me.
The driver let's me know we are stoping by my uncles office first on the way.

"Hi" as I open the door to find my uncle starring dramatically out of a huge window.

"Ah.. (Y/n), I can't believe how tall you are now!" He turns and comes to give me hug "my super star has arrived" he says as I smile feeling proud of myself.

"Come, we must go and introduce you immediately" he shouts, he always had a flare for the dramatic. He pushes me out of the door and back towards the flashy limo.
We arrive at a building that was l massive mansion but was still only like half the size of my house, however it was beautiful. We walked into the entrance hall and oh my god it was magnificent.

"Wait here, I'll go gather them in the living room" my uncle says, using way too many hand gestures.

Ai's P.O.V
I'm in the living room with everyone, reading a book while all the others are just lounging around when shining Saotome barges in.
"Oh good, your all here" he shouts with a big grin across his face. "You have a new senior who will be helping your progress as well as Quartet Night, she'll be staying here".

"Wait did you say she?" Syo said intrigued, "Is our new senior a girl?"

"Yes but she's not just any girl, she's (y/n)(l/n) who's internationally famous, meaning you probably already know who she is". Shining saotome states acting proud. " however she is also my niece so you had all better be nice and on your best behavior, she's traveled in all the way from Britain and on her own at that" Saotome said walking out of the room leaving everyone in shock.

(Y/n) P.O.V
I wait for my uncle to return but as I wait in my head I think about how I'm going to meet quartet night in a matter of minutes and I won't even know which ones they are since I've never seen their faces, I'm an embarrassment to fans, I should have researched before I came. I drop my head into my hands, then a door creaks open.
My uncle is back seeming very cheerful "that was easy".
We both make our way into the living room filled with BOYS!! HOT!! Boys at that, I mean none of the groups I have worked with in the past even compare. Why do I feel so shy all of a sudden? but when I looked up from the ground pulling myself back together, my eyes attach themselves to a guy with aqua blue hair who was seated on one of the sofas and was starring right back at me. I smiled and looked away feeling awkward.

Suddenly a hat gets placed on my head which makes me jump because to be honest I forgot about the other guys for a moment. I turned to see who's hat was given to me and there standing in front of me was the typical blonde haired blue eyed guy that I bet most girls would forn over and I was definitely one of them. He smiled " hi, I'm Syo, I can't believe your here!"
"me neither to be honest, I'm (y/n)" I introduce myself.
" yeah we all know little lamb, you are kind of famous" another guy approaches me, he was drop dead gorgeous exactly like a model out of a magazine! Omg I'm dying inside. " I'm Ren, a pleasure to meet you" he kisses the top of my hand.
Then a scarf finds its way around my neck, god I could be completely dressed from the way this is going from the hat and scarf I am now wearing," hey, I'm Nagi, the cutest one! But I guess we'll have to compete since your pretty adorable too" he says way to close to my face like he could kiss me any second.
"Nagi stop that" a different guy calls over.
"Oh whatever Reiji" Nagi scoffs, grabbing his scarf back and sits in the closest chair.
I know the name Reiji, he's a member of quartet night, omg! Omg! I muster up what courage I have and ask "are you part of quartet night?" Most of the guys look shocked except from four of them which stand up and all walk over to Reiji including the aqua blue haired guy that makes my heart speed up just a little.
"why yes I am little lady and I was told your a fan a while back" reiji says then starts introduces the other three," this is Camus" he points to a guy with long blondish hair. "this is Ranmaru" he looked a bit like a wannbee goth with grayish hair but it was totally working for him and cool eyes that were different colours. All that was left was THAT guy, and I already knew his name since it was the last one left. "This is Ai Mikaze".
"Nice to meet you (y/n)" AI was the only one to actually say anything to me out of the three of them leaving the other two feeling a bit ashamed.
"I'll show her to her room!" A girl came running over, " hello I'm haruka" she seemed way to friendly but seemed to be the only girl amongst all these boys, I wonder if I'm sharing my dorm with her? She answers my question from reading my expression "you get your own room, its this way" oh thank god I think to myself and haruka grabs my hand and leads me away.

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