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A few days after my birthday, the guys had decided to join me back in the UK and were all staying at my house, luckily i had enough beds.

Waking up to Ais peaceful face in the morning was a sight that i truly missed but now i have it back yet im not sure how long it'll last since they all have to go back to Japan sooner or later. Thinking this tears began to dwell up and i didn't realise that Ai had woken.

"Mmm... Good morning gorgeous" he mumbles.

"Oh ..morning" i answer wiping my eyes.

"Why were you crying?"

"I wasn't, i.. They were just watery from my yawning" i smile.

Ai strokes my cheek, then leans to kiss my hand which was resting on the pillow in front of him. His hand slides down from my face, down my neck, to my arm then to my fingers making me shudder slightly. He smiles at me knowingly. His fingers intertwine with mine pulling me towards him. He gently kisses my lips then pulls away but i didn't want him to stop.

"Wait...(y/n)" he says looking deep into my eyes.

"Whats wrong?"

"Move in with me"he blurts out but doesn't let me reply as he's already kissing me again but this time more forcefully. I run my hand through his aqua hair down to the back of his neck, moving myself closer to him. I think about how much i want to say yes.

We finally stop, breathing heavily i manage to answer,"yes" i smile uncontrollably and so does Ai.

We stayed in bed till late afternoon but when we finally got up, we told everyone about the news.

"So does that mean your our roommate again?" Syo smiles and i nod in response.

Everyone was happy for us and hugs were coming at us none stop until Nagi took it too far and grabbed my ass, i slapped him and then Ai got into a massive arguement with him, Nagi ended up leaving in a sulk. I kinda felt bad since i was just giggling through the whole situation.

A week passed and we were all on our way to the airport, the guys were of to Japan and me and Ai were finally going away to Greece.

We all went our separate ways after loads of goodbyes. i could tell Ai was getting bored waiting for me so he came and picked me up bridle style taking me onto the plane while i waved over his shoulder to everyone.

The heat hit hard when we stepped off my jet. I turn to see Ai completely unfazed by it. He notices and reassures me by saying that his body automatically adapts to any temperature change so he never gets too hot or cold.

Entering our deluxe suit we make ourselves at home. I walk onto the balcony overlooking the ocean views, Ai hugs me from behind and kisses my shoulder slowly moving towards my neck. His breathe tickles but feels good. His arms tighten around me, he then turns me around to face him. His lips meet mine, our tongues tangle together. We make our way back inside, he pushes me onto the bed and he pins me down at the wrist, the passionate moment went on long into the night......;)

The next day we went early to the breakfast buffet. As Ai went to make me some tea i realised that i had a message. It read: hello darling your father and i wish to have you over for dinner when you return from Greece as we have some news to share with you love from mother xxx

I plant my head in my hands dreading coming off this holiday now. My parents are very high class snobby people and have always looked down on everything i do, always pushing me to aim higher, to be the best of the best. I wonder about the news they need to tell me. Then it hits me, Ai is going to have to meet them soon as well and once he meets them hes going to hate me. Panic starts to set in but i jump when i feel a hand firmly on my shoulder. I peer up at the handsome Ai who appears concerned.

He places the tea in front of me, then kneels down beside me,"are you okay? You look like your in shock or something and my sensors picked up your heart beat increase".

I smile weakly at Ai but it obviously wasn't enough to convince him so i explain.

"(Y/n) you don't need to worry, your not your parents so no matter what they are like that wont change how i feel about you, OK?" He places his hand on mine to comfort me.

We went back up to our room to change into our swimming costumes and oh my god Ai looked hot!! In his black shorts.

Down at the pool girls began to crowd around Ai pushing me further and further away. All i could hear were the girl giggling and screaming things like" oh my he's fit!!" and "holy shit he got the body" and "is he really with that girl?" Or "is he single?". In the end i couldn't even see Ai anymore.

So i left to go to the bar, where apparently all the guys hang out. They were all tanned, fit and shirtless like some sort of movie scene. One leans on the counter next to me but before the man could speak to me, Ai came and wrapped his arms around me from behind,"hey love i was wondering where you went" he says kissing my cheek then giving the evils to the man making him leave. I swivel around on the stool to find a soaking wet Ai standing before me, smiling of course.

"how did you escape the girls?" i ask in a judgy tone, turning away and sipping my drink.

"Why... Are you jealous?" He tries to kiss me but i avoid it.

"If you seriously have to ask that question then your blind" i grumpily argue back.

"Listen im sorry..."Ai apologises but I interrupt before he can finish.

"I understand why and its unavoidable and all but seeing you with all them girls just hits a nerve, im sorry for arguing it was uncalled for" i look down to avoid eye contact feeling a bit ashamed at myself.

" you don't need to apologise and i know how it feels because seeing you with just one other guys kills me and if it makes you feel any better no one can ever compare to you in anyway so don't worry you will never lose me plus i had to throw myself in the pool to escape them haha" he puts his hand on my chin to make me face him but is stunned when he finds me giggling.

"so that's why it looks like you've been for a swim" i laugh jumping into his arms.

Later, we spent the evening drinking and partying. The last thing i remember was lying on top of the bar trying to teach Ai how to to take shots from my belly button, but im not even sure if that was a success or not. My head feels heavy but when i open my eyes i have no clue where i am....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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