Settling In

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Haruka leads me down a long hallway and stops at a door "well here you are, I'm just next door and on the other side of you is Otoya the guy with bright red hair and Tokiya the guy with dark blueish hair plus their senior Reiji".

"Wait the three live together?"

"Yes, that was your uncles idea to get them to become closer friends, so they work better, each room has a senior in except the group Heavens since they are new here so there may be some rearrangements soon" Haruka smiles as if to say don't worry we get our own rooms. "Oh then there's the room opposite you which is Natsuki's who has the glasses, by the way never take them of him, its too long to explain why and with him is Syo and Ai".

For gods sake why does Ai of all people have to be opposite me but I guess it could be worse like everyone in one room, I laugh in my head but when I come back to look at Haruka I realize I've been smiling to myself, like a complete weirdo, but luckily Haruka just carries on. " and that last room next door to theirs is Camus and Cecil's who is the one with emerald green eyes".

"So where does Heavens stay?" Out of interest I ask.

"Their all down the next hallway, they also share rooms amongst themselves, just to warn you Starish and Heavens don't always get along".

"Ok, thank you for everything"

"No worries, all your stuff arrived earlier so I'll leave you to unpack and settle in" She says waving as she wanders down the hall.

I collapse on the king size bed and nod off exhausted from the day.

"(Y/n)!! Look out!!" AI shouts to me, all I see is AI running towards me then BANG! a pain ran through my stomach and I fell to the ground and Ai holds me in his arms, his ocean deep eyes glazed over by tears, then everything turned black and white, Ai's face turned emotionless and he starred at me with a cold expression almost like a robot, the sudden change made a chill go up my spine. He kept repeating my name, "(y/n), (y/n), (y/n)...".

"(Y/n), (y/n)?" I wake up to a voice and a knock at my door. I slowly get up and wipe away some dribble from cheek, looked at myself in the mirror real quick and then answered the door. To my surprise it was Ai, I never thought I'd be able to say to myself that a guy from Quartet Night was outside my bedroom door.

"Hi, (y/n) the others sent me to tell you that dinner is ready in the dining room and Syo told me to warn you not to eat Natsuki's cookies what ever you do".

"Oh yeah, I'll come now, just give me a sec", I close the door. I brush my long thick hair and straighten out my clothes. I start to walk out the door when I turn to find Ai leaning against the wall waiting for me with his arms crossed.

"You didnt have to wait for me, I'm sure your hungry too?"

"Its not a problem, plus you would have gotten lost since your new here anyway, follow me I'll show you the way" Ai walks ahead as I follow closely behind. Not just because I don't want to get lost but because I want to be close to him, its obvious, I know I like him however I came to do I job, I can't be distracted especially on the first day.

When we got to the dining room there was only two seats left right next to each other, just typical.
Me and Ai sat, both of us now starving and we just start eating the delicious food that was prepared for us. Im pretty sure it was just awkward for me since all I wanted to do was kiss the bloody guy next to me.
Nagi makes me jump when he taps me on the back and whispers in me ear "meet me near the lake at 11, don't be late cutie". I'm guessing he was being serious so I do as he says and head towards the lake at 11. I don't see any one so I lean against a tree while I wait, then all of a sudden Nagi is in front of me and now pinning me to the tree, hes stronger than he looks. He leans in close and whispers "its my 18th birthday tomorrow, the present I want from you is...well.. I think you can guess" he forces a kiss on my lips and have no power to get him off me.

"Nagi? What are you doing with (y/n) ?" I knew that voice and there's no way I'll ever forget it.

"What the fuck, Ai?! Why are you out here?" Nagi let's me go.

"Im here to check that (y/n) is ok, I saw her wandering out late at night but I should have known thats what you whispered to her earlier"

"Whatever" Nagi shoves his hands in his pockets and walks away shouting back to me "(y/n) I'm looking forward to tomorrow"

My face burns red as he says that and then I think about how the guy I like saw another guy kissing me makes me blush even more. How stupid could I be of course why else would a guy ask you to meet him in the middle of the night where no else will be.

"(Y/n) are you alright?" he looked at me concerned. His eyes trapping mine with his gaze.

" I ... I'm fine" I manage to stutter out.

" You don't look it". Great the guy I like doesn't think I look ok thats just perfect!Ugh!
Ai suddenly starts to lean forward bringing his face so close that we could kiss any second, I shut my eyes, getting butterflies in my stomach but all I feel is his forehead press against mine. Then he moves away and I open my eyes feeling unbelievable disappointed.

"You have a very high temperature, maybe you should rest, its been a long day for you"

"Yeah, I'll...." I lose my balance and fall onto Ai, he holds me up in his arms as I become more and more dizzy. Why now? When I'm with Ai of all people, I'd better not faint like some sort of dramatic film.

Ai picks me up bridal style and takes me back to my room. As I slowly die as I realize he's carrying me!!! It was like a dream.

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