Magcon Day 2

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Logan's POV

I wake up next to Shawn, I don't remember coming into his room all I remember is we were in the living room watching a movie with the rest of the guys. "Shawn?" I ask him trying to wake him up. "Yeah, babe?" he says in his morning voice. "How did I get in here?" I asked. "I carried you in here." he said in a duh tone. "Okay, sassy pants you need to go back to sleep and wake up on the other side of the bed" I said laughing. "Okay, but only if you lay with me." he said. "Okay, how can I say no?" I asked him and laged back down. He wrapped his arms around me and we went back to sleep.

When i hear a noise in our room I open my eyes slowly, then I see Kenzie, Kay, Beth and Maria snapping our pictures. When they see I'm awake they just keep taking pictures. "You are going to thank us for this." they say in sync and walk out the door. "Wake up Shawn" I say and he wakes up. I tell him that I'm going to go into me and Mahogany's room and take a shower and get ready. "I will do the same" he says as we both get up and go into different rooms.

I take a quick shower and wash my hair. When I finish blow drying my hair I curl it and put a little .bit of makeup on. I see a pair of Mahogany's shorts that were white with silver studs on the pockets. "Mahogany? Can I wear these white shorts?" I ask. "Yeah!" she says poking her head out of the bathroom. I put on the shorts and a 'nashty' baseball tee, for my shoes I wear some sparkly toms. I walk back into Shawn's room and say on the bed. "OMG hi..." shawn said coming out of the bathroom only in a towel. "oh my gosh. hello, uhh yeah I'm going to go." I say in a state of panic. "Close your eyes." he said and I do so. "Okay, everything is better now." Shawn said, now he had a pair of basketball shorts on. He grabs a black vans shirt and puts it on. "I'm hungry, do you want to go get some breakfast from the hotels restaurant?" he asked "Sure, let's go!" I say. I get up from the bed and walk out the door with Shawn's hand in mine. "Umm, there is fans downstairs. Should we not hold hands" i asked. "No, they deserve to know about us." he says straight forward. "okay den." We walk down and he takes a couple pictures with the fans. A couple of the girls gave me some rude remarks but most if them where really nice. After we eat breakfast we walk back upstairs and change clothes for Magcon.

Nash's POV

Everyone was in the living room so I suggested we make a YouTube video. Everyone agreed so I set up my camera and we all sat I front of the camera after about 10 minutes of filming everyone got distracted and we weren't answering questions anymore. "Smack Cam!" Beth yells and slaps Hayes in the face with shaving cream. "Okay, guys I will see you all next Friday. Oh and follow my friends Logan, Beth, Maria, Kay and Kenzie so they can become apart of Magcon!" I say then shut the camera off. I edit my video and post it an hour later. "We are leaving in 15 minutes!" Kenzie yells from her room. "Beth would you like to go with me to the venue." I ask. "Uh sure, but why" she ask. "I don't know, but let's goooo!" I say and we walk out of the door.

"Okay we are here, what do you want to do?" she ask and we walk over to our meet and greet station. I grab two sharpies and start to draw on a price of paper. After I was down a wadded up tj paper and threw it over the barricades .

She jumps over and grabs it. Then she throws it back to me. *I like you too* she spelled out under my hand writing that said *I like you a lot.* "So you wanna go out with me, and be my uh girlfriend?" I ask nervously and rub the back of my neck. "Of course." she says and kisses my cheek, as we were leaning into kiss my phone started to ring. "Perfect timing." I whisper into her eat.

*Ring, Ring, Ring* my phone rang. It was Jack Johnson.


"Bart needs us up stairs he has big news!"

"Can't you all just come down here, we are at the venue"

"Yeah we will be down in a jiffy!" he says making me laugh.

"Okay" I hang up the phone.

"Now where were we?" I say and give Beth a kiss on the lips then we wait for the others.

"Okay guys, Kenzie, Kay, Beth, Logan, and Maria are now official Magcon members. "They got over 100,000 followers in 5 hours!" Bart says as we all yell and celebrate. "Now go back stage we are going to let VIP come in." he says and we all walk back stage.

Kay's POV

I still can't believe I already have a boyfriend that is Magcon and now I'm apart of Magcon. I'm freaking out inside, I'm so glad that I can be myself around these people because I have never had friends like these guys. Even though I have only known them for a short amount of time, they seem like my family. "KAY!!!" Matt says as we hug and he spins me around. "I can't believe this is happening" I whisper into his shoulder. "Well believe it honey, you stuck with me and the rest of these psychos for the rest of you life" he says and we kiss. "Okay get in line up!" Candi yells and we all get in the order we where given yesterday.

"Okay now introducing the Magcon family"

"Nash, Cameron, Carter, Hayes, Jacob, Shawn, Matt, Jack J, Jack G, Taylor, Willie, Dylan, Sammy, Aaron, Mahogany Lox, and new family members Logan, Beth, Maria, Kay, and Kenzie. With special guest, O2L, Kayden, Jake, Justin and Brent" the crowd goes wild when we all come out. "We all sit on the stage and answer questions then let VIP get in line to meet us. After that me, Nash, Kenzie, the jacks and Matt sneak out to surprise some of the other fans. "Hi." Nash says to a group of girls that weren't paying attention. "Oh my god it's Nash!" Nash, Jack, Jack and Matt cover there mouths and we walk into the boys bathroom around the corner. "Hi." we all say and we take pictures with them then sneak them into the back. " Okay girls, time to leave." Bart says as he escorts them to the front to where the stage is. "OMG, matt those girls are from my school!" I say to matt. "They seem nice." he said. "They aren't. They are always mean to me and my other friends." I say. " Well let's go say hi." he said with a smile "You can blow kisses." he adds which makes me laugh then he grabs my hand and we walk off the stage to hayes and Aaron's station. "Hey, Kimmie, Hi Jessica" I say and Matt does the same. "Oh my gosh, Kay is that you?!?" They say seeming surprised "Uh yeah." I say in a duh tone. "You are here to meet the boys two?!?" they ask. "No, I'm apart of the event and Matt is my boyfriend." I say. "OMG that's so cool, you will have to text us if you are ever free!" they say being all perky. "Um better not" I say and me and matt go back up on stage and start making out in the back because I knew they could see us. "Well you handled that well" matt says laughing. "I know" as I laugh.

After Magcon we went out and ate at Chipotle and then went to the Loft and stayed the night, there.

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