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Kenzie's POV

Soon the week was over and we were packing up our hotel rooms and going our separate ways. My dad agreed to let Jack come stay with us for a couple days but we have to ship him off to Omaha eventually. All the girls were in tears when I walked into the living room. Beth was sitting in Nash's lap holding on tightly. "Beth, Nash is going to be on the same plane." I said in a duh tone then she realized that he lived only a couple hours away from us. "Jack?" I said realizing Matt was gone and Kay was looking for him. "Let's go." He said motioning for the door. God, I think he is a mind reader. "MATT" I said walking out of the elevator. "Found him!!" Jack yelled from the cafe part of the lobby. "What the hell are you doing." I asked him "I don't want to say goodbye to anyone, it's pointless we are going to see each other in a month. "Well your girlfriend is up there freaking out, because she is going to miss you and she wants to spend as much time with you as possible. "I don't really care anymore." Matt said and I looked shocked. "Kenz, he's drunk. He doesn't mean it." Jack said rubbing my lower back. "Let's go Matt, we need to get you to your room before you really do something stupid." Jack said and we walked him back to his room avoiding as many fans as we could. Me and Jack closed his door as he was drifting to sleep.

"Glinsky, where have you and Kenz been for the last hour." Carter asked and we explained everything about Matt. "Oh my god is he okay?" Kay asked and we told her he was fine and he should be back to normal soon. Kay went back Matt's room and started packing up his things for him and then Kay lays down besides him. "She really loves him doesn't she?" Jack asked as we both glanced into his room. "Yeah I guess she does." I said with a smile as we walked into our room.

••• NEXT DAY •••

We all said got to the airport and said our goodbyes.

I was crying my eyes out as me and Jack sat down on the plane. I leaned my head on Gilinsky's shoulder and slowly drifted to sleep.

"Babe, were here" Jack said and i opened my eyes.

"Thanks for flying with us. Have a nice day" the flight attendant said we all got out of our seats and walked out the tunnel. "Bye Nash." I said and gave him a light hug. "Bye baby boyfriend." I said to hayes and gave him a wink then kissed him on the cheek and walked back over to Jack. After the other girls said good bye to Carter, Nash and Hayes. We walked to Baggage claim but Carter had to catch another flight. We grabbed our bags and walked to my car. all the girls got in the back and Jack sat in the front. "You can tell this is your car." Jack said tapping the necklace that was hanging from mirror. I pressed the on button of the radio and 'Paradise' started playing and Jack instantly turned it up to the max and we rolled down our windows. After dropping all the girls off. Jack and I parked in my driveway and got out luggage out of back.

"Dad?" I said opening the door. "Kenzie?" Macy said walking down the steps. "MACY OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!" I said hugging my older sister. "Just wanted to come visit my little sis and my dad for a couple days!" she said then she looked over to Jack, she look confused but happy. "This is Jack my boyfriend." I said and he put out his hand with a small smile. "Hi, I'm Macy." she said and I took Jack by the hand and led him up to my room. After saying hello to my dad we all went out to eat.

••• 3 days later •••

"Jack you have to pack you stuff." I said kissing him on the nose. "But I do t want to leave you." he said in a whining voice. "You are going to make me cry even more than I already have." I said and made grabbed his hand and started packing up his things.

"God jack we have to go. Your flight leaves in an hour." I say getting out of my bed. "Okay..." he said said slowly taking a deep breath. We drive to the airport mostly in silence I didn't know what to say and I couldn't say anything without crying. I walked him to security and I lost it. I was in a full sob. "McKenna. Look at me, we are not over. This is something we have to get used to. Goodbyes. Just say hello, not goodbye. I will call you when my plane lands. Okay?" he said. "Jack this is not 'The Fault in Our Stars' but okay." I said with a slight smile. We kissed one last time. Then I stood there until I couldn't see him anymore. I sat down on a bench and sobbed. "Hey lady, do you need help?" a little boy about 7 asked as he tapped my knee."Yeah I'm fine, you better get to your mom. She might leave you. "Okay, bye Lady." he said waving his hand and walking over to his mom. I get up and go to my car after the short ride to my house I crawl into my bed and stay there for the rest of the day.

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