music festival with cash

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Cameron's POV

It was about 5:30 and Nash just got out of the shower, after he was done. I took a quick shower and put on a 'vans' tank top and some khaki shorts. I walked into the living room and waited for Maria to get ready. About 5' till 7, Maria came into the living room. She looked absolutely stunning, her hair was curled to perfection with a flower crown on top and she wore a pair of high waisted shorts and a crop top. "Wow. You look great!" I said as I walked to her. "You don't look to bad yourself, Dallas." She said and smiled. "Well let's get going" I said and we walked to the car. Nash and Beth were already in the car. "Who is going to preforming tonight?" Beth asked. "Just some local bands, i think." Nash responded. "Cam, we needed turn there!" Nash yelled from the back seat. " I know, but I need to run to the ATM." It was silent until we got to the venue."OH MY GOD ITS CAMERON DALLAS!!" One girl screamed "AND NASH GRIER!!" Another girl screamed "LOOK THEY BROUGHT THERE GIRLFRIENDS!!" A different voice yelled. There was flashes of light while girls took our pictures. "COME WITH ME!!!" A man yelled and we followed him. He took us back behind the stage and said at we can go up front when the bands start to preform. We thanked him and the he left.

Maria's POV

"Cam?" I asked over the loud music. "Yeah?" He asked "Could we go to the cafe, I'm sorta hungry." I told him. "Yeah of course." And we walked to the cafe "What would you like?" He asked me. "Umm, it doesn't matter surprise me." I said and went to find us a table. When Cameron came to the table he had two bowels of mac and cheese. "Omg, Cam how did you know?!" I said a grabbed the bowel. "I had a feeling." He said with a giggle. After we finished, we walked back towards the stage. "Maria?" I turned around to see Jack. "Jack, what are you doing here?" I asked and Cameron looked mad. His fist were clenched and he's cheeks were turning red. "We need to talk, Maria." Jack said and I nodded and followed him to a bench. "Maria, I really like you and I didn't want Cameron to take you away from me. He will break your heart, when he finds a better girl. But he should know there is no better girl. You probably won't believe me and I'm just making you mad and I know I'm making Cameron mad because right now he looks like he could kill someone, but I do like you and I want to be more than friends." Jack said rambling. "I know Jack." I said kissing him on the cheek. "Cameron is just my friend." I said squeezing his hand. "Would you like or go back to the hotel with me?" Jack asked. "Let me talk to Cameron first I will meet you at your car." I said and he walked off. "Cameron..." I was cut off by cameron. "Look Maria, I thought you liked me so I took a chance. I didn't know that you and Jack liked each other like that. I'm not that mad anymore I just had a lot of fun tonight." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Cam, I just thought we were friends I didn't think anything more if it. I don't want to hurt you. You're one of my best friends." I said. "It's okay." He said with a softer tone of voice. "Well I'm going to go back to the hotel, I had a lot of fun tonight." I said and gave him a friendly smile. "Me to." He said walking away.

|| back at the hotel ||

Kenzie and Logan were watching a movie with LOX so I went in and sat down.

"Why are you back so early?" Kenzie asked. "I came home with Jack." I said

"I thought you went with Cameron?" Logan said confused. "I did, but Jack came and we are dating now and me and Cameron decided to be friends." I told them. "Oh My God." Mahogany said. "You are Jacks first girlfriend since he dated Amelia." Mahogany went on. "Who's Amelia?" Logan asked. "When Magcon first started Jack was dating Amelia and when he broke up with her she went crazy. She got in fights with all of the boys and made rumors up about Jack, Gilinsky thought he would never get another girlfriend and I thought Gilinsky would never get a girlfriend but look where we are now" she said with a giggle. After the movie I went into mine and Taylor's room. He was laying on the bed watching 'Family Guy'. "Taylor, I'm going to bed so turn the TV off or go into the living room" I said from the bathroom where I was changing my clothes. I heard the TV go off. "Good night M." Taylor said then the door closed. I got into bed and slowly feel asleep.


{okay so that was a little update, I have not been updating weekly like I said I would but now I'm off for summer break so I'm hoping I can update weekly.}


one week of fameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang