time jump

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"Jack come on we are going to be late." I yell up the stairs of our apartment. "Kenz, do I have to go?" he yells back. "Yes, I will be waiting in the car." I say and walk out the door and down the steps. I get into my car but on the passenger seats side. It's about 9:00 am and I'm wearing black leggings and one of Jack's tee shirts. My hair is in a loose ponytail and I have some gladiator sandals on. We are on our way to the airport to pick up Logan and Shawn. They flew all the way out to LA from New York for Johnson birthday he is turning 19 making me 18. I can't wait to see Logan. I haven't seen her in about a month and miss her like crazy. All of the boys live semi close to us except Taylor, Dillon and Shawn. After Logan left I felt lonely like no one was here even though 4 other amazing girls lived just down the road. She was my other half and I still am not used to her being gone. When Jack finally comes outside, we drive to LAX and wait at our traditionally hangout. The Starbucks after security. We waited about twenty minutes and then they both walked in. I got up and walked over to them and hugged Logan. " I've missed you both like crazy." I said and we walked out of the Starbucks. When we got back to my car, we all went to Nash's place. Nash has a big house, he is the guy that likes to have parties so he can meet girls. So him and Beth broke up after she found him with another girl. She struggled a lot with getting back to herself, but after a couple weeks she was fine and back looking for boys. She met this guy at a digi his name was Grant. He was singing that day and they hit it off. He is a two years younger than me but he is really cute and really nice. I think they will last to be honest. We were all at Nash's even Beth came over. Everyone seemed so happy just like old times.

Since Bart decided to stop Magcon we all have our own tours. The Jacks, Sammy and I have our own DigiTour starting soon. Then the Fam tour and Sunsation Tour. All of us our taking our careers to new levels. Nash and Cameron are in freaking movie. Taylor and Dillon have new music coming out. Shawn is freaking amazing his career just keeps getting bigger after he signed to billboard. Logan models in New York and lives with Shawn. Maria is becoming an actress along with Kay. Then their is me. I am going on tour with my boyfriend and his best friends, but I want to do more. Yesterday I got a call from a modeling company wanting to know if I would like to start training to be a Victoria Secret Angel. I still haven't told Jack. I want to but I don't know how he will take it. I think I will tell him later tonight, but I'm so nervous. Hopefully he will be fine with me going pursuing my dream for me to finally be happy.


"Jack we need to talk." I say. He looks at me in concern. "Last night I got a call from Victoria Secret wanting to know if I wanted to train to be an angel." He looks at me and grabs my hand. "Kenz, as long as your happy I'm happy. I will have to get used to the fact that I'm going to have a supermodel as a girlfriend but I think I will be fine with it." he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and went into our kitchen I grabbed a granola bar and a bottle water. Jack followed me and put me up on the kitchen counter. We started kissing passionately and we made our way into our bedroom...

Author's Note: Sorry I haven't been active I try my best but I am just really lazy! yeah if you want you can hate me... anyways I want your opinion and if you have any suggestions please message me or comment don't be afraid. I hope you all enjoy this SHORT chapter again I'm really sorry. vote💕 byeeee

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