*8*:Forgive me

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Aviana rocked Shaun to sleep, as he had woken up because he was hungry and now she was having a hard time putting him back to sleep. "Go to sleep Shauny" She said and yawned some time after. His eyes were now open while he was crying. She sighed and got out her changing board and arranged everything with Shaun still on her arm. She laid him on it and then opened his diaper, which was dry. She changed it and he stopped wailing and soon fell asleep. 


The loud cry of Shaun woke her up, but at least she wasn't tired anymore. "Morning baby, how are you?" She asked, kissin him on his wincy bincy face, he looked up at her.

She kissed his cheek then feed him. "Can I come in?" Tyree asked knocking on the door, she rolled her eyes then let out a loud sigh before saying come in. He's cheeks heated up as he noticed what she was doing and turned around "It's nothing you haven't seen before" She said with and eye roll and he turned around and smiled at her genuinely 

" I want to talk with you" He said running a hand through his hair. She shrugged and moved to the side then patted him a spot. Shaun had now fallen asleep. She started rubbing his back until he burped and then she started rocking him. 

"So on what?" She urged.

"I'm sorry baby, how can I make it up to you. I need you, please. I love you and the baby so much please forgive me" He begged. 

"When I found out you were pregnant, I was scared for both of your lives especially with all the threats we were getting and I let out my anger on you, Im really sorry" He sighed.

"You have a lot of making up to do" She smiled at him.

Meanwhile, Shelby was a wreck, she was crying and refused to eat or do anything. She didn't want anyone with her except Jacob, because he was comforting her and her nerves. "Mommy whats wrong?" He had so often asked as he tried to escape her hold but she would only shush him. 

Cole had enough of it and decided to take matters into his own hands. He dialled the number of his sisters pack. "Hello Alpha Dean" Tyree spoke through gritted teeth. "I demand a meeting" Cole said Tyree sighed.

"For what and when?" He asked looking at his calendar.

"We want to make amends and tomorrow at my pack" Cole said.

"Okay, see you then" And Tyree cut the call on Cole. 

Tyree told Aviana the news and she nodded a smirk playing at her lips. 


"Are you really going to go?" Jasmine asks after Aviana broke the news to her and she nodded taking a sip of her water. "Wow!" You gonna look hot for them and Aviana laughed and nodded. Shaun began to cry so she handed him back to Aviana who was already ready to feed him. 


Don't hate me for always leaving you guys bleh and hanging but I have a lot to say. Firstly thanks for all the reads and votes its truly amazing and I'm so happy about that you guys are goals. Secondly I like the fact that you all give me your opinions about my characters but please be nice or at least polite because it works me up when I read hatefull comments. Thirdly Jacob above he looks so cute. Fourthly the next chapter is going to be 1000 words count on that if not your free to stop reading. Thanks for listening to my rant. 

I have edited his begging and made it much more heartful I hope


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