Chapter One

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Sorry it took me forever to write theirs been a lot going on at school but here you go enjoy!(if you wanna know more please dm me I'm lonely ;-;

tyler’s been working here for about a year now.

his sister made him sign up with her because she wanted them to “bond and give back to the community”. of course, he tried to argue that he does in fact give back to the community by following “no loitering” signs and recycling, but as usual, she said he needed to do more.

so here he was, gazing out the window of the airplane, admiring the way the sunrise looked against the white snow that is the clouds beneath them. ever since he was small, tyler had been that type of person to appreciate certain things like sunsets and flower fields. he used to always get made fun of because he wore pretty flower crowns and bright colored shirts.

he just always found them appealing.

he sat next to some random stranger, his sister deciding that she would come to his camp for the next session instead of the first one. tyler didn’t mind, that just meant he could do whatever he wanted without being pushed to do more. his sister was great, he couldn’t lie, but sometimes he got confused.

is he with his mom or his best friend?

the fuzzy voice of the pilot echoed through the plane over the intercom, tyler actually listening to what he was saying. it was rewarding, though, since he would be one of the few people that would know what to do when the plane crashed and where the nearest flotation device was. the guy next to him leaned forward to get his backpack from underneath the seat as they began take off, and he looked out the window once more.

“hey, do you want one?” the guy asked tyler, holding out a package of gum.

tyler glanced at the guy to make sure he wasn’t talking to him, and sure enough, he was. tyler looked at the gum and then back at the guy, his kind, blue eyes making tyler want to take one, even though he’d never chewed gum on airplanes.

“thank you.” he said politely, taking a stick of the gum and settling back in his seat.

tyler decided he didn’t want to listen to the loud hum of the plane as it flew through the sky, so he plugged in his earphones and turned up troye’s pretty voice. tyler didn’t like sleeping in planes, instead he just focused his attention to his phone again, opening up an addicting virtual world.

yeah, he goes on virtual worlds.

and yes, he actually might be twelve, but who’s complaining here?

Fun In The Summer "Camp"-Joshler ficWhere stories live. Discover now