Chapter Fifteen

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i'm kinda pressed that it's ending, but also ngl i liked writing this. i hope you guys liked reading this!


much luv


camp ended for good this week; today was the last day.

time really flew by, to say the least. it was as if just yesterday tyler was giggling at his friends obsessing over the “new guy”, or being wrapped up in bear hugs from the same people who he loved, yet almost never saw before camp. the day carried a nostalgic vibe with it, tyler replaying memories in his head. he would smile absentmindedly every now and then, thinking back to josh, or the kids, or brendon. now that he thought of it, brendon seemed more distant, and tyler missed him. he’d have to find a way to fix it, whatever it was. he wanted to give him piggy back rides and make fun of him and just be his best friend again, and he decided he’d put that first.

but other than that, he had fun here.

you know, except for cruz.

he sighed, poking at his pie with his fork at the lunch table. it was pecan, and he loved pecan pie, but he didn’t trust it. the bread wasn’t even bread here, heck no.

“guys, i’m sad.” brendon said, frowning and resting his head on his hands.

“me too. i might miss you guys.” pete said, sighing.

“i’m gonna miss josh the most.” patrick said, pushing josh’s beanie off of his head and ruffling his disheveled hair.

“stop that!” josh shooed patrick’s hand away, retrieving his gray beanie from the floor.

 he only laughed in return, starting conversation with brendon and pete.

“what’s wrong, tyler? i thought pecan pie was your favorite.” josh pouted, turning his attention to tyler and poking his face.

he smiled softly, dimples imprinted in his cheeks, but the smile quickly faded.

“i’m going to miss you, josh. like...a lot.” tyler said, sighing.

he was thinking about later, and he didn’t know what to do.

“i’ll miss you, too. but we could make it work. if we could get someone fired, we could do long distance.” josh smirked.

tyler giggled, remembering what happened a few days ago and wow, was he rowdy. he leaned into josh, who had put his arm around him, sighing contentedly. tyler forked a piece of pie into his mouth, shrugging to himself as it could’ve been worse, and continuing to eat it. josh looked around the room, spotting one of tyler’s kids, emily, from across the room. he smiled and waved at her, getting a wide grin in response.

he’d definitely miss these kids.

“tyler, whe-”

“guys! matty’s back!” gerard shouted as he ran into the room, causing small conversations and the murmurs of voices to cease.

“what?” tyler broke the silence.

“he’s here!” gerard said again, this time, even more enthusiastic.

tyler looked at josh, who blinked at gerard.

“well, where is he?” josh called.

gerard rolled his eyes, making tyler’s table laugh before he sat as his own. tyler lit up at the person who walked through the lunchroom doors, curly hair a mess on their head, but in a good way.

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