Chapter Six

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tyler woke up on the floor, the empty bottle of whiskey next to him. patrick and pete were stirring at their alarm clock began to go off. the noise was so loud, all it did was make tyler’s head pound even more.

“pete.” tyler called, voice low and weak.

“huh?” pete’s eyes were closed.

“did i drink all this?” tyler asked, holding up the whiskey bottle.

“prob-” pete hiccupped. “probably.”

“fuck. we have to wake up.”

“i want death.” pete groaned, rolling over on top of patrick.

tyler sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. his head was congested with the beginning of a hangover, and his stomach was churning with sickness. he somehow managed to get himself ready, his lazy outfit consisting of a pink sweater over a white polo shirt and light blue skinnies. he checked himself out in the mirror one last time, and he honestly looked like shit. hopefully no one would notice.

“damn, ty.” patrick came up behind him. “you look like shit.”

tyler smiled at patrick in mock appreciation, the darkness of the room too bright for his eyes. he dug through his duffel bag in hopes to find a pair of sunglasses, and sighed in relief when pulled out pink studded shades.

“where’s everyone else?” tyler asked.

“brendon left before he could get shitfaced, and josh is already up.” pete responded, tugging on his grey jacket.

“he doesn’t have a hangover?”

“no, he didn’t drink any last night.”

“how many times did he go?” tyler asked, jealousy rising in his throat.

“i dunno.” pete shrugged. “like eight.”

“oh.” tyler tried not to let it show, leaving the cabin.

tyler separated from their cabin to retrieve their groups, knocking on the door. emily answered, her pajamas still on.

“hi, ty-ty!”

“hey.” tyler smiled, even though he wanted to nothing more than to take a nap. “are you guys getting ready?”

“yes. i like your sunglasses.”

“thank you.”

tyler waited outside for them to come out. the sky was still a navy blue, the stars twinkling right above him. the only reason he was okay with the morning was because of the sunrise, when the trees would become black shadows against the orange and pink strokes of the sky.

they were great for pictures.

he heard the cabin door open, surprised to see his group had actually taken his advice and wore pastel outfits. even ethan was wearing a flower crown. tyler would’ve said they almost looked as good as him.


“you guys look great.” tyler said, opening the door for them.

“thanks. nice sunglasses.” ethan commented.

“why are you wearing sunglasses when the sun isn’t even here?” gwynnie asked, confused.


tyler led his group to the dance room, sitting down by brendon and pete. he looked around the room, seeing josh next to patrick and ashley, a girl tyler had seen with a multicolored pixie cut. she seemed nice.

Fun In The Summer "Camp"-Joshler ficWhere stories live. Discover now