Chapter Three

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“tyler! jake is in my room and won’t leave me alone!” one of the three year olds, miriam, whined, a brush stuck in her curly hair.

tyler looked up at her from his band magazine, then to pete. he went back to reading, this article about alessia cara very interesting. pete sighed, glaring at tyler and going over to miriam.

“let’s go get him out, yeah?” pete said, getting a hold of miriam’s hand.

patrick and pete had already partnered up, saying that they didn’t want to get killed at such a young age, rest in peace tyler.

it was at that moment when tyler decided he needed new friends.

josh was the only other person who wasn’t partnered in the whole entire camp, so tyler was forced to pair with him. he didn’t mind, but then again he did. josh scared the hell out of him and the only people around most of the day were children. patrick had followed pete and miriam out the door, leaving tyler on the top bunk and reading a band magazine that patrick had.

the door opened, tyler not looking up from the waxed pages.

“did you get jake out?” he asked pete, not getting a response. “pe-”

as soon as he flicked his eyes up, he’d wished he hadn’t. josh was standing there, his hand on the knob as he gave tyler a confused look. to be honest, tyler thought it was cute how his forehead crinkled, but those thoughts were easily washed away as josh replaced his expression with the same cold glare from before, closing the door behind them.

“oh. h-hi, josh.” tyler greeted softly, going back to reading his magazine.

he peeked out from the magazine, slightly offended that he didn’t get at least a small wave, but shrugged it off soon after. tyler kind of expected this.

pete and patrick soon came back without miriam, so tyler assumed that they got jake out of her room.

“tyler, we-” pete noticed josh sitting at the desk. “have to go to the dance room.” he glanced at tyler, silently asking for an explanation.

tyler shook his head and shrugged, closing his book and getting off of his bed.

“josh, you comin’ with?” patrick asked.

“might as well.” josh shrugged, following them out of the cabin.

patrick and pete, of course, walked right next to each other, leaving tyler and josh a few feet behind them. josh was silent, tyler feeling his eyes burn holes through his head. he was uneasy around josh, and the fact that he walked so close to him wasn’t helping, either. tyler knew josh was staring at him, but he didn’t dare turn around to catch his gaze.

shoving his hands into his pockets, tyler continued to walk, passing groups of little kids and his old friends from last summer. tyler then remembered why he was here again, and it for sure wasn’t to be scared of that really cute guy behind him, hell no.

they eventually reached the dance room, full of children. matty was there again, his hair up in a bun this time. he quieted the room down and began to explain what they were doing, which were introductions.

tyler’s favorite part.

he hated speaking in front of people, especially the ones he didn’t know.

he was able to sit next to brendon and pete, josh across from him. josh hadn’t taken his eyes off of tyler since they got here, and tyler couldn’t tell if he was checking him out or plotting his murder. he decided to stop thinking about it and talk to brendon instead. matty left the room to go retrieve a hot potato from the kitchen.

Fun In The Summer "Camp"-Joshler ficWhere stories live. Discover now