Chapter Two

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tyler groaned at the repetitive blare of his alarm clock.

his eyes were practically glued shut, trying to cling onto the last bits of sleep he could squeeze in before he had to get up for the day. he slowly opened one eye and painstakingly reached out to the clock, letting out a breath as the chilly air hit his warm body. he pressed the snooze button, hoping to get at least ten more minutes of sleep before he really had to get out of bed.

he fell into a deep sleep again, in less than three minutes he was dreaming about something different. he was riding a magic carpet, like aladin. just as he was about to enter the tiger cave...

beep! beep! beep!

he huffed in annoyance upon hearing his alarm for the second time that morning, forcefully pressing the alarm clock button to make it stop.

he rolled over, looking up at the ceiling. the doubts were like tornados, spinning through his mind and overtaking any hope he had about getting up this morning. he couldn’t decide if this was going to be the day he quit doing this or if he was just going to go through with it.

he decided on the latter.

he swung his sock covered feet off of the bed to start his morning with a mug of coffee. if he was going to be around little children today, he definitely needed it.

tyler was probably one of the few people who thought children were heathens. he didn’t want any, he didn’t like them, and he’d rather not spend his summer looking after them. but he needed to, his senior year was coming up and he hadn’t even given a second thought to his volunteer work until his mother brought it up, and he had him join every volunteer group in the area. he’s already helped people adopt dogs and seen more blood in plastic bags than anyone ever should have, but of course, it wasn’t enough.

he placed a ceramic mug from the cabinet underneath the coffee machine, pressing the buttons on the top of it that he still wasn’t one-hundred percent sure of what they did, but he knew enough to get his coffee bean juice and go. he heard the coffee trickle from the machine, focusing his attention elsewhere. he wondered if he would see his old friends there today. they said they would volunteer this summer, but he could never be too confident about that. tyler was open to new people, but he’d rather stay with close friends who he liked.

the coffee machine beeped, telling tyler his mug was finished. he carefully wrapped his fingers around the handle of the mug, white steam vanishing into the air as he carried it to the counter. he was trying to keep track of time, too, while eating breakfast. he grabbed a granola bar from the stash in the cabinet, mentally crossing his fingers as he tore it open.

he couldn’t trust these things, and the last thing he wanted was to clean up crusty granola from off the floor this early in the morning. tyler felt anxious for the day.

he hadn’t been there since last summer, and he was excited to meet all the new counsellors. he checked the clock again, his thoughts interrupted when it read 7:50am and he only had ten minutes to get ready and be there.

he eats too damn slow.

tyler rushed into his car at 8:10am, huffing as he was carrying a particularly heavy bag with him and he was not in the best physical shape. it was the first day back, tyler always got a little nervous. it wasn’t that type of jittery feeling where you were about to perform onstage in front of a full house, it was more of the first day of school.

used to it, but still pretty scary.

he sped down the highway, a small smile tugging at his lips as he heard his phone go off, glancing at a text from patrick. he and pete were for sure there, but they were waiting for him to come.

Fun In The Summer "Camp"-Joshler ficWhere stories live. Discover now