Chapter 5

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MM - So, what are you up to this horrible Monday night?

Natasha - Just watching bad tv and waiting up. You know this is a lot of contact for a wrong number right? Haha

MM - Yeah I know. I can stop if you like? Just thought you seem nice and we are pen pals aren't we?

Natasha - Nah it's ok. You seem alright, plus it's only texting haha.

MM - I promise I'm not a creep. How about we get to know each other slowly but anything we ask we have to be willing to answer? For example, where are you from?  I live in Los Angeles if that helps you feel at ease.

Natasha - Haha well, I guess that seems ok then. I'm from LA too. Lol. Ok, tell me about your family?

MM - Hmm... You and this chick that gave me your number aren't secretly working together are you...? I have an older sister and parents are still together. Why aren't you in bed at this time?

Natasha - I don't know anyone named Courtney. Though we don't know if that's a real name too, since she did blow you off. I have an older brother but no parents, they passed when I was 17. I was waiting up for John but he's working late so I might have to call it a night. I'll talk later. Night.

I put my phone on charge while I go have a shower and get ready for bed. As I'm climbing into bed my phone pings again.

MM - I'm sorry about your parents. Why on earth would he be working at this hour? 

Just as I'm reading his message the front door opens, and moments later, John walks in.

"Why are you still up babe?" He asks slowly.

"I was trying to wait up for you. I feel like we never get to see each other with work and school. Why are you so late?" I yawn still holding my phone.

"Just a big project we're working on, a lot of us are working long hours. Who are you texting this late?" He asks suspiciously.

"Just a friend. Come to bed if you're going to be working so much." I say patting next to me.

"I'm going to have a shower first." He says before disappearing into our bath room.

Natasha - He just got home, some project. I'm exhausted, so I'll talk soon. bye.

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