Love at first sight

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Branch could hardly contain his excitement. He was finally going to be able to see the new monarch . But first he had a boring funeral to go to, and trust me, he was NOT looking forward to that. King Peppy was lucky to be blessed with a healthy baby girl , without a doubt . But all at the same time he was dealing with happiness all while grieving over the loss of his wife. Queen Petunia . She unfortunetly died while giving birth to the princess and no one could hardly believe it . The whole village was going to attend the queen's funeral today . Normally , a funeral would only have the family members included, but thanks to trollstice there wasn't alot of those family members left. " Grandma , do I have to wear this?" Branch tugged at his white collared shirt . " Yes , and I think you look very handsome." she gushed.  Rosiepuff bent over to plant a big kiss on his cheek, and Branch blushed. Intimacy always made him  feel embarrassed." Grandma, do you think the princess will like me ? " Branch nervously rubbed his neck. Grandma Rosiepuff smiled at that , " Of course she'll like you , now let's get going or we're going to be late! "  She grabbed Branch's hand and practically dragged him out of the pod.

On the way to the funeral , Branch spotted a flower that he's never even seen before. " Hey , Grandma what kind of flower is this ?" he carefully plucked the flower from the ground . " It's a Poppy ! "  she responded cheerfully  " You know Branch, that's the name of the princess! " Rosiepuff grinned brightly. " Princess Poppy ? That has a nice ring to it ." Branch replied absentmindedly. Branch placed the Poppy in his pocket so he could give it to the young princess as a gift. The funeral was long and boring , and everybody had a chance to see the queen in her coffin before she was buried . King Peppy was finally going to introduce his newborn daughter since the funeral was over. He chose not have her at the funeral , because she was far too young to understand what was going on.  " Everyone , I'd to introduce you to Princess Poppy ! " The king lifted his daughter up so everyone could see. Everyone '' oooed '' and ''awwed ''  at the princess ,  she definitely one of the prettiest trolls they've ever seen. Branch however , couldn't see the princess at all because there was a taller troll standing in front of him . 

Rosiepuff felt someone tug at her dress so she looked   down,     " Grandma , I can't see the    princess ! " Branch whined. " It's ok lets get a little closer so we can see her. " Rosiepuff suggested. Branch  held onto his grandma's hand as they walked up to the king. Branch always felt a little shy around the King's presence and when the King made eye contact with him , he quickly looked away .  " Excuse me your highness, my grandson didn't get a chance to see the princess yet, is it okay if we see her now ?'' She asked politely.  " Of course you can ! " King Peppy grinned. He got down on one knee so Branch could see her better. As soon as Branch got one good look at Poppy , his breath became hitched. He blushed when Poppy looked at him. " Grandma , she's beautiful." Branch sighed. Rosiepuff noticed the faint blush on his cheeks and giggled.        " Would you like to hold her?" King Peppy questioned. Branch was caught off guard by the question but he agreed to hold her anyway. 

King Peppy placed Poppy in Branch's outstretched arms and Poppy giggled at the contact. Branch stared in awe as Poppy cuddled up against him . His heart fluttered when Poppy started to fall asleep in his arms . He had this feeling , but he just didn't know what it was yet. Branch was so into the moment that he didn't realize that it was time to go. He was disappointed that he had to leave the princess so soon. On the way home , he was quieter than usual and his grandma noticed. " What's wrong Branch? " Grandma Rosiepuff asked with concern. " I'm just thinking about stuff." Branch responded. " What are you thinking about ?" She pressed further. " I want to marry the princess one day!" Branch answered cheerfully. " I don't see why not." Grandma Rosiepuff laughed. Suddenly Branch remembered something. The flower! " Oh no! Grandma we have to go back now!" Branch already started walking in the other direction. 

"What are you talking about ?" Rosiepuff arched her brow in confusion. " I forgot to give the flower to the princess!" Branch waved his arms around frantically. Grandma Rosiepuff looked up a the darkening sky. " I don't think it's a good  idea to go back Branch , it's getting dark." Grandma Rosiepuff  gestured toward the sky. Branch's shoulders slumped a little when she said that. " It's ok , you can always save the flower so you can give it to her later!" Rosiepuff said in an attempt to get his hopes up. Branch'a face lit up when she said that. " Ok, let's go home now!" Branch giggled. When they reached their pod , Branch put the Poppy in some water so it would last longer. 

Author's note: Just for some clarification, In case you people were wondering , Branch is eight and Poppy is still a baby( Duh!)🙄 Sorry for making the chapter short , I'll try to make it longer next time time!

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