Preparing for the worst

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It was that time of year. Trollstice eve.  And King Peppy was having some of the villagers create an escape tunnel for the trolls that would get eaten. Branch dreaded trollstice , it was indeed the worst holiday ever created. The bergens forced trolls to reproduce months before trollstice so new babies could take their place. So there was a lot of new babies every year. Branch watched as other trolls used shovels to make the escape tunnel. It was a dirty job. He glanced at the wilting flower and sighed sadly . He would never give it to Poppy  now , what did she care ? She was only a baby . The princess had no worries and she was happy with her life. Grandma Rosiepuff was busy preparing lunch for her grandson when she heard crying. It broke her heart to see Branch so upset . All she ever wanted was for Branch to be happy , but it was hard for him to be happy when trollstice was only a day away. Grandma Rosiepuff pulled Branch into a tight hug and ran her fingers through his indigo mane . Branch let out hiccuping sobs as he dug his face into her chest. 

Rosiepuff couldn't help but feel bad for the young child . He had such a hard life. Branch lost his parents when he was only 4  , so he couldn't remember anything about them . Plus , he was pretty much socially inept and Creek was his only friend. When Branch pulled away from his grandmother , his eyes were bloodshot and his nose was runny . Grandma Rosiepuff handed him a tissue and he blew into it loudly . " Do you want to eat your dinner ? It's ready." She said softly . Branch nodded his head slowly and joined her to eat at the table. Except , it was kinda hard to eat with a lump in your throat.  He ate some of his food but then he just gave up" May I be excused ? " Branch asked politely . " Of course you can sweetie. " Grandma Rosiepuff watched sadly as he left the room. Suddenly , she didn't feel too hungry either. She began to wash the plates as Branch got ready for bed.  It was hard for him to fall asleep of course, tomorrow was trollstice.

King Peppy was a wise ruler. He knew that it would be risky to leave the troll tree but making an escape tunnel was his best idea yet. 

Author's note : Poor Branchie doesn't know what's coming

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