The confession

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DJ was the first one to notice how strange she was acting.

It was like she was too busy to hang out with the snackpack anymore . Every two seconds, she was constantly making excuses so she wouldn't have to hang out with them. But DJ quickly realized that she was getting away from them to hang out with someone else. But who? that was the question that racked her mind. There was no one else the princess hung out with, other than....                      

Suki's eyes widened at the thought. Could Poppy really be hanging out with him ?   

But no, it doesn't make any sense. Branch was a closed off , introverted troll that chased little kids away from his bunker. Why would he even allow the bubbly princess anywhere near him ? The red troll was going to end this once and for all. She was tired of her best friend running away from her. It was like their friendship was really strained now. And DJ was the only one that could try to save it. It wasn't long before she found the princess, although ,Poppy did look rather annoyed. " What are you doing here? " she didn't mean to sound so rude, but that's how it came out.  DJ cringed at her tone, " Excuse me? what are you doing way out here in the forest? " Deep down , she already knew why, but she decided to see if Poppy would tell the truth. 

Her shoulders slouched in defeat. Poppy did NOT want to talk about this. Especially not now. DJ stood there with her arms crossed as she shifted her weight from one foot to another. " I'm waiting. " she said impatiently. Poppy gripped her bag a little bit tighter as the red troll stared her down. " Fine, I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. " Poppy replied hesitantly.  " Not even the twins? "DJ asked suddenly. " Not even the twins. " Poppy echoed. 

She took a deep breath as if this was the hardest thing she ever had to do. The princess  mumbled something under her breath but DJ didn't catch it. " Talk louder." she demanded. Poppy looked up at her with a pleading look in her eye. She didn't want to tell DJ, but she was tired of keeping secrets from her. " The reason why I've been avoiding you guys is because I've been spending time with Branch."

DJ smirked, " You like him, don't you? " she replied knowingly. Poppy blushed as she nodded her head sheepishly. " I didn't want anyone to know, because I thought you guys didn't like him. " she admitted. " I don't mind if you like him, and besides he would make you the perfect king one day." DJ teased. Poppy hid her face in her hands as she blushed profusely . " No need to be embarrassed, look at it this way; at least he likes you back. " DJ replied with a smirk. Poppy looked up at her in wonder, " Are you sure? it's like he's always trying to get away from me. " she replied wistfully. " Have you seen the way he looks at you? it's like he's obsessing over you or something! " DJ reassured her. Poppy thought about it for a moment, " I'm not so- " she began, but DJ cut her off, " I think you should tell him how you feel, I'll come with you! " she exclaimed. Poppy's eyes widened , " No way! are you nuts? " 

She thought for a moment " Yes. " DJ replied simply

Oh no, what did she get herself into? 

DJ had never been to the grey troll's bunker before, and it looked a lot bigger than she thought. Just when she was about to knock , Poppy stopped her, "If I tell Branch that I like him, you have to tell Guy that you like him too." She held out her hand, " Deal? " DJ sighed heavily , " Fine, it's a deal. " and they shook on it. The princess took a deep breath before knocking.  "Branch, open up!" Poppy banged on the door until her knuckles began to hurt. " Are you sure he's even home? " DJ questioned. Poppy just shrugged. She was RELIEVED that she wouldn't have to tell Branch how she felt about him. It was just one big disaster waiting to happen. " Oh well, I guess we'll just have to go home." She tried her best to fake the sadness in her voice. She started to walk away but, DJ stopped her ," Where do you think you're going? we made a deal ! " she reminded the her. 

Poppy rolled her eyes at her . " I just want to go home! " she protested. " You're not going home until you tell Branch you love him! " DJ grabbed her wrist and dragged her over to the bunker. " But Deej, I bet he's not even home! " she said arguably. " Well, since he won't answer , we'll just wait here. " DJ sat down by the door cross legged and Poppy took a seat next to her. She just won't give up will she? Poppy thought bitterly. They waited, and waited, but Branch STILL didn't come out. " I think we should just go. " She looked over at DJ with a pleading look in her eye. " Just relax, it's not like he'll kill you if he finds out you like him. " DJ replied hastily.  Poppy had never been more terrified in her entire life. There was NO way he would actually like her back. If he liked her , than why is he always avoiding her? It didn't make any sense to her at all.

Branch was MORE than confused when he saw DJ and Poppy sitting In front of his bunker. Why do they want? Branch thought irritably. He didn't want to be seen , so he decided to hide in the bushes until they went away. He had to be really quiet unless they would... 


Much to his disappointment, he stepped on a twig ,causing the two girls to spot him. He stepped out of the bush, revealing himself completely. The look of absolute horror and embarrassment was spread across her face as Branch approached them. " Poppy has something she wants to tell you! " DJ said suddenly . He wasn't really sure how to respond to that so he just nodded. Come on Poppy, just say it!  DJ shouted in her mind. They stood there in awkward silence for what felt like 2 hours. Finally DJ had enough , If she won't tell him, then I will ....

" Hey Branch , Poppy has a crush on you! " she exclaimed . A blush crept up his face as he looked over at Poppy, who looked just as embarrassed as he was.        

"Don't listen to her! she's lying! " Poppy blurted out. DJ arched her  brow,               " What are you talking about? we sh- " In a split second Poppy used her hand to cover DJ 's mouth to prevent her from saying anything else. " We should really get going , I promised dad I would be home before nightfall. " Poppy replied dismissively. DJ glared at Poppy and slapped her hand away. " But I'm telling the truth! " she assured Branch. " It's getting really late, you guys should just go home. " Branch replied, changing the subject. Poppy yawned, " Yeah, he's right, besides I'm getting really tired. " 

 Poppy let out a sigh of relief as Branch went back into his bunker. " I don't get it , why didn't you tell him? " the red troll questioned. Poppy remained silent for a while.

 " Because I know, he'll never love me back. " 

Author's note: I know this chapter was kinda "eh"  but I tried my best. 😑

I hope you loved this chapter! BYEEEE!

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