Going separate ways

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Branch still couldn't believe the Princess said his name. Ever since she started talking , she's been saying his name nonstop! One time King Peppy told Branch that Poppy was asking for him and that she missed him . Wow! He could've died right there. And then there was Creek. He was constantly bothering Branch as if he had nothing else better do with his life. Today Creek stopped by AGAIN just because he wanted to play. " Why can't you just leave me alone?" Branch  glared at him. " I just want to have fun with you. " Creek bubbled. " It's a shame the feelings not mutual." Branch replied sarcastically. Branch grabbed an empty bucket and started to fill it with berries ," We shouldn't be out here , it's really cold! " Creek shivered. " You'll be fine , and besides you don't see me shivering." Branch  retorted. 

As Creek walked  beside Branch, he realized that he was shivering as well. Not to mention , he wasn't dressed properly for the cold at all.  Without any warning , Creek took off his scarf and wrapped it around Branch.  " I already told you , I'm not cold! " Branch hissed. " You're shivering ,  I had to do something!" Creek frowned . " Besides , what are friends for ? "   Finally, Branch lost it. " Who ever said I wanted to be your friend anyways !?!" Creek looked like he was about to cry. " W-What are you saying?" Creek questioned. " I'm saying that I don't want to be your friend anymore! " Branch seethed. " And you better take your stupid scarf back too !" He threw the scarf at Creek and he caught it. " What is wrong with you? I was only trying to help! " Creek turned around and angrily stomped away. Branch continued to pick his berries until nightfall. 

That's when it started to get unbelievably cold. It was even starting to snow. Branch watched sadly as other troll children started to make snowmen and make snow angels. He used to do the same thing around this time of year , but things changed. He was no longer the happy-go-lucky child that he once was , now he was just a stupid grey troll that nobody cared about. On his way to his bunker , he spotted Creek playing in the snow with the young princess. Branch couldn't help but envy Him . He should be the one playing in the snow , Not Creek. Branch wanted to punch Creek in that stupid orange nose , but he knew that would only cause more problems. Branch walked inside of the bunker before he could get any more bad ideas about hurting Creek.  He warmed up some hot chocolate and went into his bedroom . He savored every last drop of the creamy chocolate  and  he still wanted more. 

But unfortunately for him , chocolate was not something he had a lot of . He changed out of his patchy overalls and  got into his pajamas. It was really cold in the bunker , but Branch didn't mind too much . By now he should be used to the cold temperature. He tried to fall asleep but he couldn't . He kept thinking about what he did to Creek . He still couldn't believe that he and Creek weren't friends anymore. He was in denial. 

Author's note: I feel bad for ruining their friendship but it's part of the story plot and it was gonna happen sooner or later. Anyways I hope you people enjoyed that chapter . Adios amigos!

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