The first word

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King Peppy was very concerned for his daughter's health. Poppy was already 1 years -old and she still hadn't said her first word. She would always babble incoherently and grunt. But she still wouldn't say anything. So when he took her to Dr Plums office , she suggested that he start talking to her more often. That way , she would hopefully try to mimic his words and start talking with him . When that didn't work , he started worrying that she was either mute or she had a learning disability of some sort. Then one day, the princess was nowhere to be found. King Peppy organized a search party so they could find her. When Branch heard that Poppy was lost , he started freaking out. He was on his way to collect some  more firewood when he could've swore that he heard someone laughing.

" Hello?" Branch called out. No response.... He kept walking until the sounds got louder, and louder. Suddenly, he felt something cling onto his leg. He looked down and gasped. " Poppy! I found you ! " he let out a sigh of relief. What happened next nearly made him drop his firewood. " Bwanch !" Poppy cooed. Was he hearing things right? " W-what did you say ?" Branch said in disbelief. " Bwanch! Bwanch! Bwanch!!" She giggled. The way she said his   name was SO adorable. "You just said your first word!" Branch grinned," I need to get you back to troll village." Branch said hastily. He positioned her in his arms so he wouldn't drop the sticks. It took a LONG time to get back to the village because they were deep in the forest.  She was lost for about 3 hours or maybe even longer than that. Those little legs can really get her far. 

By the time they made it back to troll village , it was almost dark. And on top of that, Poppy was starting to get fussy. Branch finally found the king and he looked really worried. " King Peppy , I found her!" Branch cradled the  young trolling in his arms. " Thank you very much son , do you want a reward. " the king offered. " I don't want anything." Branch admitted. " Are you sure ?" King Peppy asked with uncertainty. Branch nodded and handed Poppy to him. " King Peppy ?" Branch gave him a coy look. " What is it my boy?" He asked softly. " Poppy said her first word. " Branch said with a small smile tugging at his lips. The King's eyes widened in surprise. " What did she say ?"  

" Branch." The grey troll smiled. 

Author's note: That was so cute! I've had the idea to write this chapter for like 3 days now 😊😊😊

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