Best friends

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" Grandma , can I go outside to play? " Branch waited for her answer. " Fine , but you better be home before dinner . " Grandma Rosiepuff replied sternly. His face immeadiatly lit up at her response. " Thanks , I love you bye! " He quickly gave her a hug and ran outside. She giggled as he practically tripped over his toys while running. Branch literally had only one friend. And his name was Creek. And trust me , they weren't just friends, They are best friends. They met as toddlers and over the years their friendship grew. Nobody wanted to be friends with Branch because he was too weird and quiet. But Creek was different , he understood Branch. It took Branch awhile to find Creek because he expected him to be meditating by the lake as always , but I guess he decided to stay home today.  When Branch knocked on his door , Cybil answered. " Hi , can I go see Creek ? " Branch asked politely. " He's in his room." Cybil opened the door a little wider for him to enter. Branch knew exactly where Creek's bedroom was because he's stayed there overnight before. 

Creek was very surprised to see Branch there , since he usually stayed in his pod all day . " HI mate , do you want to do yoga with me ? " Creek was already getting another yoga mat out even though he didn't even give Branch a chance to respond. Branch rolled his eyes playfully as Creek did this. " What are you waiting for ? your mat is getting cold!" Creek joked. " Alright, alright I'm coming ! " Branch took a seat on his yoga mat . Creek sat in a lotus position and closed his eyes. " Do you know any yoga poses mate ?" Creek asked nonchalantly. " Nope! " Branch answered cheerfully . Creek opened his eyes and stood up . " Ok , well I'll teach you ! lets start with something easy . " He tapped his chin in thought. " Are you flexible?" He questioned. " Not really." Branch admitted. " Well , I can help you stretch!" Creek grinned. " First you have to lay on your back." Creek instructed. Branch did as told. " Bring one of your legs up to your chest and stay in that position ." 

Branch winced as he felt the pain shoot up his leg from being in that position that long. " Okay , now you can do the same for your other leg."  Branch let out a sigh of relief. He held his right leg up to his chest for a couple of seconds. " Okay now , get into your lunge position."  Creek giggled when Branch fell flat on his face. " Gah! Stretching is so hard! " Branch groaned in frustration . Creek held out his hand so he could help him up. " It's ok , practice makes perfect." Creek reassured him. " I have a better idea , how about I watch you." Branch suggested. " Sure, I have been practicing for YEARS so I'm really advanced." Creek boasted." What can you do? " Branch asked curiously. " I can do really hard yoga poses and I am extremely flexible." Creek put his feet behind his head to prove it. " Show off!" Branch scoffed. Suddenly Creek remembered something. 

" Branch , do you realize what tomorrow is?" Creek asked nervously. Branch shook his head. " Tomorrow is trollstice eve." Creek said below a whisper. Branch paled at that. " How do you know?" Branch trembled.  " Because it's on my calendar, have a look for yourself." And sure enough , it was on his calendar. Branch began to freak out , and he started hyperventilating violently.   It got to the point where Branch couldn't breathe. Creek got his mother because he didn't know what do . " Branch! inhale and exhale!"'Cybil instructed. Branch calmed down a little as she handed him some tea. Branch gulped it down as quickly as he could. " He was having a panic attack, I should probably take him home. " Cybil suggested.  " I thought I was going to die..." Branch replied sadly. " And this isn't the first time that happened to me." he  informed them. " When did you start having panic attacks ?" Creek wondered.

" It started when I lost..." Branch's voice trailed off. " When you lost what ?" Creek pressed further. " My parents...." Branch said below a whisper. Creek's eyes widened and he didn't say anything after that. Creek never knew his real parents either. Cybil was his adoptive mother and he was very grateful to have her . Suddenly , everybody's hugtime bracelet went off. Creek happily embraced Branch in a hug. " Hey , your forgetting somebody !" Cybil joked. The boys ran over to hug Cybil as well. When they pulled away everybody was smiling. " Do I still have to go home?" Branch asked wistfully. " Well , you seem to be feeling better. I suppose you can stay here a while longer." Cybil grinned . " Thank you!" Branch replied gratefully. When Cybil left , Creek got something out. " What's that?" Branch wondered.

" It's a best friends locket , I get one half and you get the other!" Creek grinned. Branch didn't like that idea," You are such a sissy , a locket is for girls!" Branch frowned. But his face softened when a tear rolled down Creek's face. " Don't cry , I'll keep the other half for you. " Branch took half of the locket and tucked it into his back pocket . ," You and I are going to be best friends forever!" Creek giggled.  " I like that idea." Branch grinned. 

Author's note : I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've been working on it since last night.😑

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