Feeling under the weather

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When she awoke, her head began to throb.

It must be a sinus headache. She figured. Despite the agonizing pain, she knew that she couldn't sleep in, especially since she promised to spend some time with DJ Suki and the twins.  She peeled off her blue nightgown and changed into a purple dress with a matching headband. After combing through her hair a couple of times, she decided to head downstairs for breakfast. When she walked into the kitchen, she laid her eyes on the King, who was munching on some toast and jam. He looked up when he heard a pitter patter of footsteps. " Good morning princess, did you sleep well?" 

She sat down at the table," Not really." she confessed. Suddenly, his eyes were filled with concern. " What's the matter darling? Did you have a nightmare again?" Poppy shook her head,   " No, it's just that I have an awful headache that won't go away." she sighed, biting into some toast. The king rose from his seat and walked over to her, placing his hand on her forehead.           " You are a bit warm, are you sure you don't want to stay home?" He suggested. " Don't worry dad, I'll be fine. See you later." she replied dismissively. " Alright, have a good day." he smiled.  She was about to leave but then she remembered something. Poppy began to look around the kitchen and in all the drawers as well. " What are you looking for?" Peppy asked.  " I can't find my basket, I left it right there!" she pointed to the counter , which appeared to be vacant.

" Sorry about that Princess, I put it away so the food wouldn't spoil." He explained, handing her the basket. She beamed," Thanks daddy!" The king bent over and placed a kiss on her cheek,       " See you later." he replied. As Poppy began to walk away, a voice stopped her. " If you start to feel queasy later on, you might need to come home early." he advised. Poppy rolled her eyes at his concern, " Okay." and just like that, she was gone like the wind.  As the princess kept walking, she started to feel a bit lightheaded but she tried to ignore it. There was no way she was gonna pass out on an opportunity to hang with her friends. Branch will probably be relieved since I'm not going to  see him today, She thought wistfully. That grey troll was such a mystery to her. One second he's caring and the next second, he's yelling at trolls to get off his property. 

" Why is he grey anyway?"She asked, thinking aloud. 

Before her thoughts reveled any further she heard a faint sound. It was as if someone was calling her. She slowly turned around to she her friends running toward her , with smiles plastered on their faces. Poppy set her picnic basket down to hug her friends. " I missed you so much!" Satin grinned.  A bewildered look spread across her features, " Um, you did?" Poppy questioned.            " Well, yeah! I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." Satin shrugged. " Are we just gonna stand here? Or are we going to have some fun?" DJ asked in annoyance. " Someone's impatient." Chenille murmured. DJ stuck her tongue out at her.

" Hey guys, be nice." Poppy frowned. 

" She's only mad because Guy Diamond likes me better. " Satin smirked. DJ looked like she was ready to cry. " That's not true!" Poppy stepped up to her," If you guys keep  fighting we'll never get to the meadow." she pointed out, " And besides, who cares who Guy likes anyway?" DJ and Satin let out exaggerated gasps. " For your information, I care !" Satin glared at her.  " Both of you are being ridiculous, let's just go to meadow and enjoy ourselves." Chenille snapped. " If you guys don't start walking, I guess I'll have to eat all the cupcakes." she smirked to herself when they began to walk a little faster. " Last one to the meadow is a rotten egg!" DJ shouted. As Poppy tried running faster, she suddenly didn't feel so good. She stopped running to catch her breath, " Guys, slow down!" she huffed. But they didn't listen, they made it all the way to the meadow without her. " Yes! I won, I won, I w-" DJ stopped talking when she realized the princess was nowhere to be found. " Where's Poppy?" Suki questioned. " Um, she was right behind us." The twins said in unison. 

" We should go back for her." DJ suggested. 

" Nah, I'm sure she'll be here any second." Chenille replied. After 2 minutes of waiting, they decided to head back. Soon enough, they spotted her lying face down in the grass. " Poppy!" DJ screeched, running toward her. She flipped Poppy onto her back and she noticed how pale she was. " Go get Dr.Plum, Now!" 

AN: *laughs evilly*

Yes , a cliffhanger!!!!

Honestly , I was thinking about finishing the whole thing today but I sorta changed my mind. 


I felt as if I made this chapter too short, oh well!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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