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"Okay. I don't want to do this anymore." I say out of breath. I crawl out of the ring and land on the floor with a thud.

"Landon. We haven't even started. That was just you warming up." Steve said.

"I don't like running as you can see." I said as I roll on my back and place my hands above my head.

"You only jogged around the ring for five minutes! How are you so damn tired!?"

"Let me remind you again. I don't like running!" I said as I sat up. I looked over to them and still see Jaxon running around the ring like it's nothing. He's not even sweating! Like I'm over here like I was dumped into a pool of water!

"Landon. Get up. Build up your stamina."

"Fûck stamina. I rather just watch from the side."

"Get the fûck up here Landon. This is going to help you too. This is going to help us with our job." Jaxon said as Steve told him to slow down since he was down with his running.

"It's easy for you! You've been doing that job for awhile!-"

"Just because I've been doing the job longer than you, doesn't mean that you can't be fit for it. So get up and warm up. You said yes to Steve and I bet he's regretting about ever offering you this. Get up." Jaxon said as he took a deep breath in and slowly out.

"Fûck you." I said as I got up. "You don't think that right Steve." I looked towards Steve and see him raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Impress me. I might change my mind again." He said as he stared at me, challenging me to say something.

I clenched my jaw and mumbled cuss words under my breath. I climbed back in the ring and had a blank face on as I crossed my arms over chest. "What now then."

"Well, finished your ten minute jog and then we can start to do little warm ups then we can start with one session at a time."

I held back the groan and bit my tongue from talking back. I clenched my jaw and started to jog around the ring.

They would tell me things as I run past them, but I completely ignored them. Screw them. Suck my dîck hoes.

Once I was done, I took in deep and slow breaths in.

"Okay. We'll work on feet first. Be on your toes, never be on your heels, or on your whole foot. Never do that. Always be on your toes. Being on your toes makes you move faster and you can move away from an attack. You can move side to side easier and it makes you light on you moves. If being on your whole foot and heels, you're going to be slow. You won't be able to move fast enough when they come at. And if they hit you, you'll be unsteady and you'll focus on trying to stay up right, and that gives them another advantage to hit you again. And that's how you'll lose even faster. So, get on your toes."

Me and Jaxon did and looked back at him. "Bend your knees slightly and place one foot in the front, manly the side your dominant hand is. So right handed, place your right foot in front, and same with the left."

And I did, well it was just instinct you know. So we did, and my hands just went up because it didn't feel right just having my arms at the side. Like it didn't look good or feel right. So I put my hands up and my fist already closed.

Steve looked at me and smiled, "there you go. Now since you already jumped to the next step, does it feel more comfortable?"

I nodded and I looked at Jaxon and see him nodding too. "Okay. Now we're going to do little movements with our feet." Steve did the same position and he started to move his feet.

Oh god.


I sat down on the chair and my legs were already tight. I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I can feel it. I groan and rest my head on the bar.

Jaxon does the same while he sighs and closes his eyes.

"It wasn't that bad. I'm the one who's older and I feel fine." Steve says as he chuckles and pours himself a drink.

"Man screw you. I bet you've being doing this for awhile that's why you're not tired." I said as I glared at him.

"You're right. I used to be up there in the ring. But not here. In New York yeah. But I retired and came here. I found this place and worked here for a second job. And I love it. So that's why I'm training you. I love fighting, but you see. I'm too old to be doing this still. Rather train someone who's young and can pick up things my way. I won many fights. Only lost one. And that's when I was starting to fight like you. So congratulations, you lost one fight. Let's see if you can be like me, and never lose another fight. Be the person they fear when they hear your name. You too Jaxon. Be someone who they never want to fight against. Be someone that everyone fears when they hear your name or even see you. Never let anyone walk over you two. You two are good kids, don't ever let anyone walk over you. Fight them, but not right now. We still got to train. And no fighting till I say. Got it? I'll tell you when you two are ready to get in the ring. And right now is not the time. Got it?"

"Yes sir." I said.

"Yes." Jaxon said.

"Alright. Relax, or watch the others fight. The fight should start any minute. Or you can leave, it's up to you two. If your tired go home, sleep. Don't over work your body because tomorrow we will start to go into hard things. And yes you're going to be sore, but you have to work through the soreness. Never make that an excuse to push past your training. Got it."

"Yes." Both of us said.

"Good. Go home. I'll see you guys at the same time tomorrow. I expect you two there."

"Yeah yeah." I said and then got up. My muscles were tight so much and I bit my lip. Jaxon got up too and I see his jaw clenched.

"Bye Steve." I said and then turned around and walked out of the alley. We were walking down the sidewalk and I would bit down harder on my lip.

"I don't know if I'll be able to walk tomorrow man." I said while I sighed and hissed at the same time.

"I don't think I am too."

"Man. Welp, we're fûckin screwed."


My nose hurts so bad still. *sighs*

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon!!

Anyway see you guys soon!!SS

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