Maybe Life is Good

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I went to school just like everybody else. I did everything the same as everybody else, intentionally. I weighed the same. I laughed the same. I walked the same. Smiled the same. Dressed the same. Fangirled over the same boys everyone else did: Marvel superheroes, television actors, singers, and YouTubers. Probably the only thing I didn't do the same was have the same color eyes as everybody else. Mine were crystal blue, sparkling eyes. I never really knew why, I grew up in foster care because my parents died when I was a baby. I never really got to know them, I wish I did. Every time I am out with my friends in the mall and see all those families walking and shopping together, I die on the inside. Wait my life isn't all sad, on the bright side I am a 13 year old millionaire. About a year ago, one day after school I was walking home (since my foster mother says I have to find my own way home) and this man in a suite walks up to me and taps my shoulder.

I turn around and the man in the suite says "Are you interested in being in a commercial?"

"I don't know, I have never really acted before"

The man says "That doesn't matter, here is my card lets see what raw talent you have"

"I will think about it"

The man nods and walks away. I look down to see a small gold rectangular card with the name Larry Choom. I don't really think about the offer until I get home. My foster mother yells at me for coming home late. I do what I usually do when anyone yells at me, ignore them and nod my head as I walk to my room, but this time that didn't work.

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