Chapter eight- Finally Having Fun

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"Hey Hayes" I say while getting up

"Hi, I was wondering if you would wanna hang out because it gets kind of boring when they go out driving and stuff I feel so young"

"Oh yea sure, and to be honest I feel awkward around that many guys that are older than me" I say

"Do I make me feel awkward?" He asked

I said honestly "Yes, but its a good awkward not like the other kind. If that made any sense"

He laughs "Not really"

"Well I tried" I laugh

"What do you wanna do?" he asks

"We could make a YouTube video" I suggest

"Sounds good, what would it be about?"

I sit there and think for a minute "We could do and Ask Hayes, or Ask Lilly"

"Oh yea, okay lets do that do you wanna use Twitter or Instagram?"

"Instagram because I don't have a twitter" I shamefully admit

"Oh whats your Instagram?" he asks

" @lilly_wild, whats yours?"

" @hayes_instagram"

"Okay lets take a selfie" I immediately think of the song

"Bom bom bum bum bum" he tries to imitate the song and bursts out laughing

I posted the selfie right in the middle of his laughing and posted it. He chased me around the room and tackles me while I am laughing, but it was too late we already got a bunch of comments and likes. We got the camera ready and started filming and Hayes opened Instagram. I answered first then Hayes.

Instagram questions:

Would you rather get stomped by an elephant or by a T-Rex?

" T-Rex, because who would ever have that experience?"

"Yea I gonna half to agree with Lilly" he pointed at me

Do you water or mud?

"Water, do I have to explain?"

He laughs "Mud"

"What?! ew why?" I said while laughing

"I don't know just in that mood" he said shrugging

Are you guys dating?

"No, we are just friends"

"Yes" he said at the same time as me

"Are we?" I said and looked at him

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