Chapter six- The Big Day

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I get up out of bed, and get dressed. I apply some primer, blush and mascara. I walk down to the Magcon room. I don't really know what to call them, Boys? Guys? Them? I don't know I will just call them Magcon for now. I get to the room and knock on the door, suddenly I am really nervous I am really shy and these guys aren't- the door opens. There is a blonde guy with hair that looks likes Justin Bieber's.

The blonde guy says "Hey Lilly, right?"

"Yup thats me, and you are" I feel like I say that a lot

"I am Matthew but call me Matt" he waves his hand signaling me to come in

"Okay nice meeting you" I walk through the door

Cameron says "Hey Lily how is your hotel room?"

Weird question but I answer "Good thanks" I feel really awkward standing in the middle of a bunch of guysI don't know

Matt says something thank god "Lilly this is Nash, Cameron, as you have met, Taylor, Carter, Aaron, Jack, and Jack"

Every one says hello I respond "Hello nice to meet you all"

I turn my head to an opening door when the kid I saw yesterday comes out. Of course I am shocked but, I don't let it show. I can tell from the look on his face he remembers me

"and this is Hayes" Matt says

Nash notices the look on his face and tries to help him out "I have a feeling that you two will be besties because you are the same age"

Cameron on the other hand tries to help, but fails "You two would make a good couple"

I say "Uhh thanks.....I guess" everyone stares at me and Hayes

I can feel the awkwardness in the room.

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