Chapter three- Almost There

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I wake up the next morning and walk over to my bathroom and get ready. I pick out a pair of black skinny jeans, a pink T- Shirt, and pair of black Vans. I grab my back pack and walk down stairs, to see my foster mother sitting at the table and my foster brothers and sisters, Joe, Jake, Cody, Jillian, Roxy, and Donna. I just walk out the door skipping breakfast, as I always do, and walk out the door. On my was to school I just think of how much I hate it here, I just want to leave. Is it so much to ask for a loving family or at least one friend? I guess it is because I have neither. I walk through the door of my school and walk to my locker. One of my sister's, Roxy, comes and shoves me into it. I don't even know what she is doing on this side of the school I am in middle school: 7th grade, she is high school: 12th grade. I wish she would just leave me alone, I hate it when she comes to "visit" me with her friends and that annoying, evil laugh. I am sitting inside the locker and I finally manage to break the lock and get out, I sprinted to class so I wouldn't be late. When I got there my teacher yelled at me for being 40 minutes late.

"Where on earth have you been? Just conveniently showing up to class with 5 minutes left of class!" she yelled while pointing at the clock

"I am sorry Ms. CRAP........le" putting emphasis on the crap

Her face practically turned red and stomped her foot and said "Sit down young lady and it's Ms. Craple!!"

I roll my eyes and take my seat, but about 20 seconds later the bell rang and I got up and went to my next class. By the end of the day I was so happy to leave I ran out of school, and put the address into my phone and tried to follow its lousy directions ugh I wish I had an iphone. I finally made it to the "studio office" or whatever. I walked up to the receptionist and tell her my name.

"Hello, my name is Lilly Wiles I am here to see Mr. Choom"

The lady responded "Of course his office is down the hall and on your first right"

"Thank you" I waved goodbye

I walked into Mr. Choom's office, and sat down in a chair.

"Where are your parents?" he asked

"Oh, I live in a foster home and my foster mom didn't care"

"Okay then that means you don't have a legal guardian, so you don't need these papers" he said while throwing the papers over his shoulder "but YOU will have to sign this" he slides over a paper to the edge of his desk

"Whats this?" I asked picking the paper up

"This is a contract stating you will be a client for our company and will not go to a different company until a 2 year time has passed"

I really didn't seem to care about moving to another agency, like come on I am not going to become famous I just need some extra cash to leave town.....wait "I have to act for you for 2 years?"

"Yes that is correct"

I asked "What if I get adopted, or my foster mother wants me to stop?"

"Well sadly she isn't your parent or guardian, so she has no authority over you because you are an orphan, meaning I can move you and buy you your own property in the future"

"I am really going to make it that far in the biz?

"Trust me kid, your going places" he smiled

"Sweet were do I sign?"

"On the line"

I signed the paper "Okay done"

"Great, we will start filming next Tuesday, here is a script" he says handing me the script

"Thank you so much see you next week"


I walk into the studio and see a green screen, and lots of computers. When Mr. Choom walks up to me.

Mr. Choom says "Here is a map and your make up and hair artists names are Casey, and Kayden, don't be worried you will be fine"

"Thank You"

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