{Chappie 4}

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~Y'alls POV~ ~almost 2 months later~

I watched out the window, checking my phone constantly.

'I mean, it's from Japan. It probably takes forever but stiiiiilllll...'

The US postal truck pulled up to my mailbox. I zero in on the bundle in the dude's hand.

And I see a flash of brown.

That was enough for me. I jump off the couch, open the door, and run out to get the mail, as he pulled away.

Trying to open the mailbox, I realize my fingers were shaking. Jesus, I'm that excited to get the Squip?


Grabbing the box, I sit down on the curb, not wanting to be hit by a passing car.

I pick at the tape, eventually getting it up, and opening the box.

It was a very Japanese-looking Mountain Dew bottle, and a little baggie with a grey, oblong pull in it.

"What the fuck.." I mutter.

A pill and a soft drink?

Eh, again, who cares.

I pull out the drink, and a little paper flutters out, landing beside me.

I pick it up, reading what it said.

'Take with Mountain Dew.'


I crack open the bottle, wishing the boys were here, and close my eyes, satisfied by the fizzing sound of a just-opened soda.

Opening the baggie, I shake it, the pill dropping in my hand.

'Well here goes nothing.'

I open my mouth, drop the pill in, then chug some Mountain Dew.

Nothing happened at first, and all I could taste was a little mint.

Shrugging, I got up and went inside, going straight to my room.

Maybe, it just takes some time?

I lie down in bed, and pull out my phone, opening Wattpad.

Time to do shit.

{{ heh. Take this chapter. Woo.

Bye my Squip and Bye Y'all!~}}

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