{Chappie 11}

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~Squip's POV~

"Take a seat. Be happy I showed you mercy." (Y/N) looked at me, then Jeremy.

I felt....ashamed. Why did I fight back? It wasn't just self-defense, either.

I had felt something.

A burning pit of fire - rage.

I cautiously walk over and sit down, Jeremy doing the same on the other side.

"Okay. Let's go through this CALMLY."
(Y/N) looked at me. "Explain yourself."

I sigh; this is gonna go so well.

"When I was helping you, Jeremy, I could not understand human feelings in large amounts- even small amounts.

So, every action was made, accounting for a bit of 'human error'; human emotions.

I wasn't coded with much morals; just to not directly kill someone. So, when I had the Squip pills dumped into the Mountain Dew, nothing told me it was wrong, or immoral."

I stare off at some trees, noting that there was two kids siting in a tree about 60 feet away.

Let's hope they don't come over here.

Jeremy cleared his throat, looking at me.

"Do you have morals and such yet, then?"

I nod. "Because I have not ever been asked for as a companion, I needed to get the Emotion & Morals update."

"When did you update?" (Y/N) asked, words slurring very slightly.

I checked her levels; habit. She was tired, her body hurting in places along her back and arms for throwing Jeremy and picking me up.

"Last night, (Y/N). It took a while, but I got it."

Jeremy stared at me. "I still can't forgive you, but I can not hate you so much."

I nodded. Relief flooded my circuits. A couple girls walked by, one in red, one in yellow, and one in green.

They were talking snootily; or acting like it, anyways.

(Y/N) sighed, then pulled out her phone. "Oh look at that, it hasn't even got to 7:20. Time's a bit slow."

I sigh, leaning back.

{{{there. I'm really tired. So heere.

By  my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}}

Seriously, What's a Squip? {Squip X Reader}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant