{Chappie 5}

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~Y'alls POV~

When I felt the sting in my neck, at first I just thought my body was protesting against me being curled up on a corner of my bed, in a really uncomfortable position.

I sat up, then laid down across the whole of my bed.

Not seconds after, another spike of pain hit my back.

Jumping up, I check to see if a stray piece of lead was on my blanket.

As I did, pain suddenly raced up and down my back, and crawling up the back of my head.

I curl up, barely restraining myself from screaming.

'Calibration in Process. Please excuse mild discomfort.'

WHAT THE FUCK. More pain, even more intense, flows through my body. I did notice the voice, a deep-ish man's voice.

'Accessing Neural Memory'

A ding that I barely heard over my internal screaming and external whimpering.

'Accessing Muscle Memory'

Another ding.

'Accessing Process Complete'

The pain suddenly went away as fast as it appeared.

  '(Y/N) (L/N), welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor.

Your Squip.'

{{mmm for Squip reference- no wait imma shut up. Yalls Squip can be book, play or musical.

I'm not that choosy.

Bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

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