{Chappie 15}

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~Y'all's POV~ ~time skip~

Groggily, I opened my eyes, expecting to see flames and the Devil.

Instead I see white walls, and medical equipment.

"What the fuck..."

I'm not dead?

What happened?

I look around, then sit up, realizing I was still in my clothes. An IV connected me to a bag of water on the stand. Muted beeping and humming came from the machines.

Suddenly, the door is opened, and a nurse walked in. "Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?"

I stared at her, then wiggles my arms, hands, and body, testing. My back felt sore, but that was all.

"Uh, my back is sore. That's what it seems like."

The nurse nodded, walking over and grabbing the clipboard. "I mean, falling from that height, and landing on someone isn't exactly comfortable."

Falling? The last thing I remember was falling and someone yelling my name.

"Does your head hurt? Are you feeling nauseous or dizzy? Want some water?"

I forgot nurses can be a little over the top.

"No, no, and yes, some water would be great."

She nodded, grabbing a pitcher and pouring some into a plastic cup before handing it to me.

"Can...can you tell me what happened? I only remember falling then.."

The nurse purses her lips for a second, then nodded. "From what the people there said, your boyfriend ran over and caught you. He was slammed into the ground, and he is currently in surgery. His back had snapped; if they had called any later, he might have bled out."

I blink a couple times at the mention of 'boyfriend'. Was it Jeremy?


He was climbing in the tree.

Who was it then?

Did I literally have a boyfriend appear out of nowhere?

'Squippy, what happened?'






Bye my Squips and Bye Yall!~}}}

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